Neighbors for pepper: to plant or not to plant?

  • Apr 02, 2021
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Good day. To save space in the greenhouse, you can plant some other crops next to the pepper. However, you need to choose them carefully so that the pepper does not suffer. It is important to know which crops are suitable for planting next to peppers, and which are not suitable for this under any circumstances.

 Pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Good neighbors for pepper

To prevent infections and the spread of pathogenic bacteria, onions and garlic should be planted next to peppers. These vegetables are natural sources of phytoncides, so they will protect plantings from diseases and will not interfere with their productivity.

A good option for attracting pollinating insects is basil, marigolds, coriander, catnip, nasturtium, tansy, parsley. They are suitable for greenhouse and outdoor planting. Peppers also work well with radishes, carrots, lettuce, and spinach to help protect the soil from excess water evaporation.

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Marigold. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Some types of cabbage can be planted next to pepper: white cabbage and cauliflower, as well as zucchini, celery and okra. For green plants, you can plant nettles, chamomile and dandelions next to the peppers, as they speed up the ripening process of the vegetable.

What not to plant next to pepper

It is contraindicated to plant fennel next to dill - this plant literally pumps out nutrients from the soil. The same goes for beets. Dill spreads throughout the garden and prevents the penetration of sunlight, and also creates a fertile environment for the development of parasites, so it should also not be planted next to pepper.

Peas and beans enrich the soil with nutrients. However, despite this useful property, they also have significant drawbacks: these cultures suppress the growth and development of peppers also contribute to the development of anthracnose, so they should not be kept in the neighborhood either.

Too much space on the site is occupied by potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants: they take nutrients from the soil, so the peppers next to them get sick and grow poorly. This is definitely not an option for being close to peppers in the same greenhouse or in an open area.

Eggplant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Hot peppers are also not a neighbor of ordinary bell peppers. If they grow side by side, the two varieties will pollinate each other to create a small hybrid with small fruits and an unpleasant taste. As for the cucumbers, they do not harm the growth of the pepper, but they need to withstand a certain level of moisture. If the peppers do not need to be watered so often and abundantly, then the cucumbers simply need it.

Thus, if you follow the rules of "dormitory" in the garden, the pepper will grow large and tasty, while the rest of the vegetable crops will not suffer.

Do you know what to plant next to the pepper?

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