Is it possible to pull an arrow out of the body, as shown in Hollywood films

  • Mar 03, 2021
Is it possible to pull an arrow out of the body, as shown in Hollywood films
Is it possible to pull an arrow out of the body, as shown in Hollywood films

So small and so deadly. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, it was arrows that were perhaps the most insidious and disgusting type of weapon. Today, in many films, you can see how a dashing hero, gritting his teeth, breaks an arrow that has fallen into him and, in the same way, pulls the tip out of his body with courage on his face. Much less often - pushes through. Everyone knows that a lot is different in cinema than in life, and therefore the question arises: are such "tricks" possible in practice?

You can't pull it out. / Photo:
You can't pull it out. / Photo:

The image in modern cinema of how arrows are extracted from the human body has very little to do with reality. There are several reasons for this at once, which are overlooked primarily by those who create films and make such artistic assumptions in order to increase the degree of drama. It is impossible to independently pull an arrow out of the flesh (especially in a combat situation). Just like pushing it through. And the main reason for this is not at all that it is very, very painful. The main reason lies in the arrow itself.

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Serious weapon. / Photo:

Combat arrows for all peoples were fundamentally different from hunting arrows. As a rule, they had a more massive and wider tip. This was done specifically in order to get stuck in the flesh of a person. Moreover, the arrowheads on combat arrows were either not fixed to the shaft at all, or were weakly fixed. This was done again so that even if the shaft of the arrow was removed from the wound, the metal tip would still remain in it.

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Insidious weapon. / Photo:

A piece of metal sitting inside the flesh gives a person a well-known "discomfort", it can become a source blood poisoning, gangrene, constantly provokes pain, thereby limiting actions warrior. However, even if the arrow was securely sitting on the shaft, then an attempt to pull it out or push it forward would only end severe pain shock, from which the person would most likely lose consciousness, and a radical increase in bleeding from wounds. The latter would be guaranteed to ruin the lover of Hollywood "first aid".

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There is no way without a doctor. / Photo:

So if a person, after being hit by an arrow, still remained in the ranks and could continue to fight, then the shaft of the ammunition simply broke off closer to the body so as not to interfere. The tip itself (and part of the shaft that had already sunk into the flesh) was removed after the battle in a calm atmosphere. This was done by field surgeons. As a rule, it was one of the combat servants who possessed the skill of healing. Removing the arrowhead required almost a surgical operation. The wound had to be widened with a knife, then foreign objects removed from it with forceps and sewn up.

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