Cases when it is not necessary to use the emergency gang in order not to earn a fine

  • Mar 03, 2021
Cases when it is not necessary to use the emergency gang in order not to earn a fine
Cases when it is not necessary to use the emergency gang in order not to earn a fine

For some reason, many motorists forget that the hazard warning light cannot be used in a number of situations. There are times when it is forbidden to turn it on (oddly enough). If the driver ignores the rules established by law, then the appropriate punishment will naturally await him. So it will not be superfluous to remember one important subtlety if you do not want the wallet to become an order of magnitude thinner.

Sometimes this cannot be done. | Photo:
Sometimes this cannot be done. | Photo:

In the Rules of the road there is an article under number 7, which spelled out the procedure for using the car alarm. It can be used in strictly defined situations. These include a traffic accident, dazzling the driver with headlights, towing a car, forced stopping at a place where it is prohibited. In addition, the alarm should be turned on in all cases when the driver must warn others about the danger posed by his car.

Imitation is not allowed. | Photo:
instagram viewer

It is easy to guess that all of the above creates room for the use of "emergency gang" for other purposes. Drivers very often deceive others, imitating one of the above reasons for their own purposes. Most often, no one undertakes to check the honesty of drivers, and police officers in most cases look at such things turn a blind eye, since in 9 out of 10 situations the "emergency" does not pose a direct threat to other participants movement. However, there are times when the signaling cannot be used under any condition.

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Employees will definitely be interested. | Photo:

The only case of non-statutory use of "emergency gang", to which the traffic police inspectors will definitely not close their eyes, is an imitation of a forced stop in the wrong place. In this case, no alarm will save the driver if he cannot convince the inspector of the honesty of his intentions. Violation of the sign 3.27 "Stopping is prohibited" is punishable in accordance with Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, a fine of 500 to 2.5 thousand rubles may be imposed on the motorist.

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Nothing good will come of it. ¦Photo:

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