How to eliminate unpleasant smell in the bathroom: The trick, peeped at the flight attendants

  • Dec 24, 2019
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It happens!
It happens!

Probably, it is difficult to offend any smell stronger than comparing it with the "aroma" a public restroom. Yet, in reality, some of the common areas is not as scary as they might think. For example, the toilets on the plane. How they manage to keep fresh for long hours of flight? The thing is that flight attendants know a little trick, it does not give an unpleasant smell of chance. And you'll want to repeat it at home.

Purity by any means!
Purity by any means!

A tiny cubicle with no windows, a few hours flight and a couple of hundred people on board - it would seem, in the bathroom on the plane has all the prerequisites to be the most disgusting place. If not on earth, as in heaven, for sure. But in reality, a toilet room is not so bad. Of course, it is due to the flight attendants, who are responsible for the cleanliness and health standards. First, they use cleaner with antibacterial properties and strong aroma. But if the unpleasant odor does not give (it happens), the course is one small, but almost ingenious trick.

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Coffee on board the passengers need a lot more than they think.
Coffee on board the passengers need a lot more than they think.

Aerosol fresheners on board banned, fragrant candles - even greater nonsense that goes against all the rules of fire safety. In these conditions Coffee helps flight attendants. Old trick: in the time of cleaning bathrooms stewardesses take with them the coffee grounds in the filter from the machine. Just a few minutes a strong aroma of coffee interrupts any smells, including the most unpleasant and even the "flavor" of chlorine. In some cases, strong drink poured into the bowl portion and rinsed.

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Strong coffee can kill even the smell of chlorine.
Strong coffee can kill even the smell of chlorine.

This method effectively eliminates any odors and the bathroom smells literally nothing but purity. And yet it can easily replicate at home. Especially if the guests on the doorstep.

Coffee find a place even in the toilet.

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