What pink tomatoes have a high yield?

  • Dec 24, 2019

Pink tomatoes have a sweeter flavor than bright red. For this quality and value of their gardeners. It is believed that the shade of color in the pulp and skin and reduces the allergenicity of fruits, so these vegetables are often recommended for children.

Vintage pink tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Vintage pink tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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The choice of varieties

Sometimes gardeners complained that the pink tomato fruit is not too good, especially in bad rainy seasons. High yield pink tomatoes depends primarily on the variety: there are modern early hybrids, which give the ripe fruit in early July (for example, the F1 Beef Pink Brandy, ripening 75 days after seeding). Besides it, the market can find a lot of large-and small tomato with a good flavor characteristics:

  • Dimensionless. The mid (110-130 days), with large oblong fleshy fruits. Mass first fruit sometimes reaches 700-800 g, but then they become finer. Fruits for a long time, until the autumn.
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  • Pink Giant. Tomatoes ripen on 115-120 days after sowing. Tomatoes with an average weight of 300-400 g, meaty type.
  • Raspberry Viscount. Early (90-105 days). The variety is a short, does not require garters and pasynkovaniya harvest gives amicably. Berry weight to 250 g of saturated pink.
  • Rosemary F1. Hybrid middle ripening (115 days). tomato weight - 500 g, fruiting long.
  • Pink honey. Early (105-110 days). Fruits "steak" type, almost seedless, sweet. Average weight - 300-400 g, but there are also record-holders (up to 600 g). Heart-shaped.
  • Shaolin F1. Ripening time of 115 days. Weight 400 g of tomato, pulpy core, with a sweet taste.
  • Pink miracle F1. Ultraranny modern variety with friendly impact harvest. It ripens already on the 85 day.
  • Sugar bison. The core, with the fruits to 300 g (max - 700-900 g). Good at even in the Urals and Siberia, when grown in open ground (FG), ripen in late July.
  • Small-fruited varieties of sweet. Pyriform, cream, tomatoes pertsevidnye weighing 40-70 g abundantly fruit and a high sugar content. They are more dense than beef, tomatoes, suitable for preservation in general form. Among the mini-tomato varieties Pear pink, De bar (rozovoplodny), Cio-Cio-san, raisins Pink et al.
  • Rhianna F1. A new hybrid of "Sakata" company. This cherry tomatoes series, the weight of which reaches '25
The disadvantage ultrarannih hybrids are sometimes considered amicable and quick return of the fruit. With the combination of early and mid-season tomatoes in the garden it is possible to obtain the first harvest in early July, and then use the average grades until the autumn.
Pink tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Pink tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

How to increase productivity?

The main reception, which allows you to increase the collection of tomatoes per plant, - proper conduct feedings. Begin to fertilize tomatoes in 1-2 weeks after planting in the ground. For the earliest hybrids have the first top dressing should include potassium, which promote flowering and fruit. The complex is used as a fertilizer, with the potassium in the composition (nitrophosphate, Kristalon tomato, Fertikov etc.) Or only potash (potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, potassium monophosphate). Good fertilizer for tomatoes is wood ash.

Vintage pink tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Vintage pink tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Tomatoes medium ripening, sustained fruiting must form. Such varieties as de Bara Bullish heart and other tall shrubs give a large number of lateral shoots and reduce productivity. These varieties should be formed of 1-3 trunk, removing all suckers and tie to the support. Then the fruits are large, sweet and rich. From 1 bush tomatoes tall varieties able to collect up to 10 kg per season.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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