Causes of yellowing of thuja and their elimination

  • Mar 03, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Proper care, prevention of diseases and treatment is the key to preserving the beauty of thuja. The yellowing and drying of the needles is always the result of a complex of reasons. If this is not a natural process, then the delay in solving the problem is fraught with the loss of decorativeness for several years and even the death of the tree.

 Thuja. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Thuja. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Why does thuja dry

There are several reasons:

  1. Unfavorable weather conditions: scorching sun, frost, prolonged heat.
  2. Chronic water shortage. The standard watering regime for thuja is at least 1 time per week.
  3. The plant was overfed with chemical fertilizers.
  4. Consequences of the vital activity of pests.
  5. Fungal diseases.
  6. Planting too tight, branches interfering with each other. The optimum distance is approximately 1 m.

How to deal with drying out

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At the first signs of drying out, they begin to save the thuja. This work sometimes stretches for more than one season, so there is no time to hesitate.

First, the thuja is cleaned of dead needles, cutting it off with a pruner. It will not crumble on its own. All branches are checked for dry patches and shoots, carefully bending each one. The tree is shortened in height by 15 cm.

After sanitary pruning, the near-stem zone is covered with a thick layer of peat with an acidity of 3-4 pH and mixed with the soil. It is recommended to add a complex for conifers at the same time.

In early spring, thuja is sprayed with a growth stimulant and fertilized with rotted organic matter (manure, compost).

In summer, in extreme heat, they cover with spunbond for protection. Under favorable conditions, by the fall, the thuja will partially recover, the needles will level out and begin to turn green. If the tree begins to dry after planting, then it does not like the place or it has been deeply buried. A subsequent transplant will solve the problem.

Thuja. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


To prevent the needles from drying out, gardeners just need to remember to take a number of measures:

  1. When buying, they find out all the features of the variety, its nutritional needs, planting scheme, formation.
  2. Choose a permanent place in a shaded corner. Thuja does not grow fully in open space.
  3. In warm weather, watered once a week, in heat 2 times, in the morning or in the evening.
  4. Top dressing is enough 1 per year, the first when planting. No fertilization is needed at the end of the season. At this time, the shoots have time to get stronger and prepare for winter.
  5. The trunk circle is always covered with mulch. It does not allow moisture to evaporate quickly, protects the ground from freezing and overheating.
  6. The soil is loosened every time it dries up after watering. Break the surface crust so that the roots are not damaged.
  7. The soil under the thuja is sprinkled with needles or earth from under forest coniferous trees. This promotes the multiplication of special beneficial bacteria that live in symbiosis with cypress.
  8. Cut dry branches in a timely manner, starting in early spring.
  9. Cover with spunbond before winter. Trees older than 3 years are not afraid of frost, but such protection will save branches from breakage under the weight of snow.
The natural change of needles is always accompanied by yellowing, this must be borne in mind. This happens every 4-6 years, before the onset of winter. She is gently knocked down with a glove on her hand. Gradually, the needles will rot and become part of the mulch.

Do you know why thuja turns yellow?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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