How to shut off the water when the ball valve is stuck: advice from an experienced plumber

  • Mar 03, 2021
How to shut off the water when the ball valve is stuck: advice from an experienced plumber
How to shut off the water when the ball valve is stuck: advice from an experienced plumber

With ball valves on the farm, there are always a lot of problems. Looking ahead, it should be said that almost half of them are the consequences of a wrong attitude on the part of the person himself. However, today we are mainly talking not about "why", but about what can be done in a situation when the ball valve has already jammed, and the water needs to be shut off. There is a way out of this difficult situation.

Time and man are to blame. | Photo:
Time and man are to blame. | Photo:

It should be emphasized right away that no "proven" folk methods in the spirit of striking a ball valve with a key or a hammer can be categorically used. In doing so, you will simply break the crane with a high degree of probability, making the situation worse in the end. And many times worse. Work with a jammed valve should be extremely careful and gentle.

It is necessary to disassemble the structure. | Photo:

So, take the 7 key and unscrew the retainer bolt. If it does not give in, is rusted or even completely rusted, it is necessary to clean and “develop” it before this. In this case, our main assistant will be the composition of WD-40 (or any other similar tool). After the bolt, we immediately remove the "butterfly", opening access to the nut, which must be loosened so that a representative gap forms between it and the crane.

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Weaken with a key. | Photo:

This simple action will loosen the PTFE bushing. It remains to take only the last step - take the key and start making turns to the left and right with it. In the worst case, it will take 10-15 minutes to turn the sleeve until the crane is developed. When this happens, the water can be shut off without much difficulty.

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We develop well. | Photo:

At the very beginning, it was about the fact that in most cases, problems with the crane arise through the fault of the owner himself. Therefore, it is very important to know what to do with the ball valve so that it is less likely to jam. Most often, jamming occurs due to the formation of rust in the faucet and the accumulation of limestone deposits. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to turn the tap back and forth at least once a month.

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