Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices

  • Mar 03, 2021

Every owner of his own home, be it an apartment or a country house, once a month is forced to part with the most expensive thing he has - money. He spends them on paying bills that are sent to him by caring utilities. Water, gas, electricity - all this costs money and every payer wants the amounts in bills to be as low as possible.

Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices
Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices
Payment for electricity is a significant percentage among other payments. Many people wonder, looking at the amount in the payment, why is there so much? After all, the apartment does not have a light constantly on, the TV does not work, the electric fireplace does not warm up? Sometimes I even have such a suspicion that neighbors have connected to my meter. ))

Yes, all this is true, but we forget that many household electrical appliances work in homes around the clock! It's just that no one pays attention to it.

In the modern world, it is no longer possible to do without electrical appliances in an apartment. These are kitchen units, stoves, refrigerators, microwave ovens, televisions, computers. Let's figure out which of them work non-stop.

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1. Refrigerators and freezers.

Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices

Long gone are the days when people turned off for the winter refrigerators, and food was stored on the balconies. Today these devices work in the kitchen for years without interruption. And this is 750 W in 24 hours and up 23 kW per month. Considering that many have more than one refrigerator, but also freezers, then the amount accumulates quite tangible.

2. Washer.

Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices

This is a very energy consuming device. If the family has children, then you can be sure that this unit works at least once a day. Even if the machine does not work, but is plugged into an outlet, then in this "sleep mode" it consumes up to 30 watts per hour. By the way, if you operate the washing machine less often, but with maximum load, you will not be able to save money, energy consumption in this mode increases dramatically.

3. Electric kettle .

Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices

Many people notice that when the electric kettle is operating, the lamps in the room begin to burn weaker. This suggests that it consumes a huge amount of energy during operation - up to 3 kW. If you use it every hour, then a decent amount will come up.

4. TV receiver (TV).

Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices

It is extremely rare to find a house or apartment where only one TV is used. Kitchen, bedroom, living room - all these rooms have long been equipped with TVs, standing on tables, dressers or hanging on the walls.

Unlike older devices, modern technology is equipped with remote controls. To turn the TV on and off from afar, it must first be plugged into the network. That is, even if the TV is formally turned off, it still consumes electricity in "sleep mode". Per day, on average, one device eats up to 25 Tue Multiply by 30 days and get 750 watts

5. Digital set-top boxes and satellite TV.

Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices

Set-top boxes and devices for watching satellite channels are also not disconnected from the network. Usually. Their energy consumption is much more serious - up to 200 W in 24 hours. Costs per month can reach 6 kilowatts.

6. Computer technology.

Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices

Today, living without a computer is simply inconvenient. Studying at school, institute, homework and gaming entertainment - all this requires a computer. In sleep mode, this device does not seem to work, at least the fan on the power supply does not rotate, but even in this state, the computer's consumption reaches 3 kW per month.

7. Telephone and other chargers.

Who is stealing the electricity in the house? 7 most "insatiable" devices

They don't consume a lot of energy, but many keep them turned on all the time. One charger consumes up to 1.5 watts per day. A trifle, but, as they say, a penny saves the ruble.

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