What is the difference between the gas and water ball valve. Air valves broke and found. Differences not only in the color of the handle

  • Dec 24, 2019

Recently, a client came to me and asked:

"On a freebie I got three gas valves, ball valves. Already a year are idle. Can you let me install them on the water? "

- "No way, they are the same for gas"- I replied.

- "Well, they're identical in construction with cranes for water"- not calmed the annoying customer.

Unfortunately I did not have many arguments and I said to him - "We can not all!"

To be more formed in this matter, decided to disassemble two ball valves for different environments (gas and water). And to find the differences that will fend off objections clients.

Advance to say without loss could not have done, after dismantling them will have to take into scrap metal.

It is judged to be the first store building and came to the gas valve and the aqueous one producer. It is very good.

Two cranes bought for 399 rubles
Two cranes bought for 399 rubles

We begin disassembly. The first step is to unscrew the self-locking nut. The galleries are photo. Scroll through pictures.

The most difficult task proved to loosening of the nut housing. The fact that the assembly is applied to the threads of "anaerobic sealant" superstrong fixation. Because of this, it is very difficult to unscrew such thread, the conventional wrench.

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I had to take over the thread of the gas key, only then could disrupt the nut.

Unfortunately nut could not stand the load, it became oval. Not because of the fact that the metal or weak, but because of the fact that the author was too lazy to find the channel "head" and unscrew it.

Unscrewing the cabinet sleeve, opens before us vnutryanka. In the gallery on one of the photos you see a red "glue" which led to the destruction and not further applicability of the ball valve by hand of the author of the "epic".

Tap water was also analyzed, we can now observe what differences there are and what they are not. It is worth paying attention to markings on the valve body, the gas write 10 bar, 30 bar on the water ...

Also there is important information to and birochkami

As we can see cranes have several physical differences.

  1. On the handle grip butterfly gas has openings. As I understand it for sealing in case of not paying gas (Russian heritage).
  2. The length of the internal thread to 1/2 inch in gas tap has a greater length. Of my guesses is done in order to better sealing material enclosing the threaded connection.
  3. At the gas tap maximum pressure is indicated in bar 10, and the water in the 30 bar. Although they are structurally identical except for the length of the body nuts.

I suspect that it was done intentionally. The triple safety margin is made to a case of an accident on the pipeline ball valve can withstand the maximum pressure. And also to avoid being put on the main pipelines, where relatively high pressure. Gasmen correct in the comments if I write anything wrong.

We conclude, if there is leakage due to the ball valve on the water, this trouble, High material costs.

And if there will be gas leakage due to tap it huge mountain. The consequences can be dire, with the victims.

According to my observations, the same crane. Yet in any case it is not necessary to put them not for their environment. Gas put on the gas. A water-water. And in case of emergency with cranes you will not have to prove "I do not, I and the horse is not mine"

About where I keep the money earned in Yandex Zen readhere.

That's all friends, stay healthy, do not fall ill.