Own well: what can be its maximum depth according to the law

  • Mar 03, 2021
Own well: what can be its maximum depth according to the law
Own well: what can be its maximum depth according to the law

When a person is going to drill a well on his site to obtain water, he will surely face with the statement that it is impossible to drill into the ground, at least to a certain depth. This is because all mineral wealth, including water, belongs to the state. So, is it possible to drill wells at your dacha without breaking the laws, and what is the maximum depth they can have?

You can drill a well. / Photo: yandex.ru.
You can drill a well. / Photo: yandex.ru.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" No. 242-FZ is the main law governing the attitude of the country's citizens and natural resources under the ground. According to this law, all resources located underground belong to the state. You cannot use them without special permission. Moreover, the citizens of the country do not have the right to dig any buildings and structures into the ground to a depth exceeding 5 meters. After this mark, the layer of land belonging to the summer resident ends and state land begins.

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A well is needed. / Photo: vostokmedia.com.

An exception to this rule is spelled out in the amendments to the law, which were adopted on January 1, 2019. According to these amendments, citizens of the Russian Federation have the full right to build wells on their site and drill wells in order to extract water for personal needs (food and household). At the same time, the amendments say that citizens can only extract water from the upper layer of sandstone. Thus the depth of the well or well in the country house cannot exceed the mark of 30 meters .

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You can drill up to 30 meters. / Photo: obustroeno.com.

Any well or well deeper than 30 meters will be equated to artesian. You can also extract such water, but in order to avoid problems with the law, you will have to buy an appropriate license. This is because artesian waters are recognized as "industrial" and of commercial value. In addition, there is a daily production quota. Without a license, citizens have the right to use no more than 100 cubic meters of groundwater per day.

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The well is good! / Photo: homeli.ru.

Continuing the topic, read about

Artesian water.

At what depth does artesian water "begin", which is much better than an ordinary well.
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