How to effectively deal with a kidney mite infecting currant bushes

  • Mar 03, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. One of the most dangerous pests of currant bushes is the kidney mite. Black currant especially suffers from it. The defeat of a berry crop by this miniature parasite is fraught with its incidence and a sharp decline in yield. Knowing how to properly deal with the misfortune, you can save the harvest of berries.

 Kidney mite on currants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Kidney mite on currants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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How to effectively deal with currant kidney mites

Getting rid of a pest that attacked black currant bushes is a rather difficult task. Experienced gardeners who grow this berry crop devote a lot of time and effort to carrying out preventive measures. Such actions will prevent the appearance of a tick on the site, prevent the growth of the parasite population.

Prevention of damage to currant bushes by a kidney mite

To reduce the likelihood of infection of a berry crop with a pest, gardeners resort to the following preventive measures:

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  • Planting onions and garlic between currant bushes. These vegetable crops tend to produce phytoncides that scare away bud mites from berry planting. This pest control technique will not help if the currant bushes have already been affected by the parasite. To increase efficiency, it is advisable to combine it with other methods that allow you to resist the tick.
  • Fertilizing berry crops at the beginning of the growing season with nutrient compositions rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. The use of fertilizers in the spring will not only help to resist the bud mite, but will also contribute to the activation of the growth of currant bushes, their long and abundant fruiting.
Currant processing. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Fighting the parasite

It is common for the pest to settle in shoots that are in the early phase of development. Each bud on a currant bush can harbor 8,000 miniature parasites.

The main way to combat the pest of this berry crop is to pluck out the affected parts of the plant. If the bush is badly damaged by a kidney mite, it will be necessary to remove not only the buds, but also the affected branches. Cut shoots are to be burned. The measure is aimed at preventing parasitic infestation of other horticultural crops.

Spraying the berry with such a means as colloidal sulfur will help to resist the currant mite. The manipulation is carried out at the stage of the appearance of bud buds. The solution is prepared by dissolving the powdery substance (70 g) in water (10 L). The bushes are sprayed in the morning or evening hours. The air temperature indicator during processing should not exceed +20 ° C.

The use of insecticidal preparations like "Kinmix", "Sulfaride", "Neorona" also helps to fight the misfortune. These funds are used strictly following the instructions from the manufacturer.

Help resist kidney mites and folk recipes. At the stage of advancing the inflorescences, apply a garlic infusion. It is obtained from the following ingredients:

  • garlic cloves - 150 g;
  • water - 10 liters.
Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The garlic is crushed. The resulting gruel will need to be poured with water, insist a little. The finished product is used to spray a currant bush affected by a pest. The procedure is carried out three times with a frequency of 1 time in 7 days.

Helps fight kidney mites and onion skins. An infusion is prepared on the basis of this raw material. To get the product, pour the husk (200 g) with water (10 l). Insist for 5-7 days. Then the infused liquid is filtered through a gauze folded in several layers and sprayed with it on the planting of black currant that has been affected by the parasite.

Thanks to preventive measures and the competent use of kidney remedies recommended by experienced gardeners mite, you can effectively resist this dangerous pest of berry crops and get a good harvest of currants on your plot.

Do you know how to effectively deal with a kidney mite on currants?

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