5 plants for light rooms with low humidity

  • Dec 24, 2019

Bright rooms and windows facing south, at first glance seem to be a boon for ornamental plants, but In fact, many domestic flowers leaves can get burns from too much sun Sveta. Nevertheless, some of the flora, especially those that grow in South Africa and Australia, need enough sunlight to thrive. These plants have a bright room can transform a room beyond recognition.

Agave. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Agave. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Growth conditions:

  • Light: Being a desert plant, agave likes to direct, abundant sunshine all year round.
  • Humidity: like all succulents, it requires little watering. High humidity causes Crohn's disease, stem and root rot. Watering is carried out about once a week in summer and once a month in winter.
  • Temperature: feels comfortable at a daily ambient temperature +18... + 23 ° C.
  • Soil: well-drained potting mix.
  • Fertilizer: feed agave need every month in spring and summer, when it is actively growing. Autumn and winter can not fertilize the plant.
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How to care:

  • Aloe retains water in their leaves, so it can go without water for a long time. Excess water causes root rot and eventually leads to death of the plant.
  • Flower feels well and is growing rapidly in bright light, but not direct sunlight.
  • For Aloe need to use potting mix for cacti or soil composition, which is well-drained and aerated.
  • From April to September, the aloe is actively growing, so fertilize it should be 1 time per month during this period.
  • The recommended temperature of plant growth varies between + 13... + 27 ° C.
Growing Aloe. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Growing Aloe. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru


Growth conditions:

  • Light: Bright but not direct sunlight.
  • Water: summer Gaster needs regular and abundant watering in the winter - once a month.
  • Soil: suitable mix for cacti or well-drained soil, mixed with sand.
  • Fertilizer: feed plants need during the summer growing period amounted to cactus.
Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru


Under what conditions to grow:

  • Light: Plants need a moderately bright ambient light throughout the year. East or west windows are the most favorable for life graptopetaluma.
  • Water: in summer it is recommended to humidify the soil once a week in the winter - once a month.
  • The temperature conditions in summer it is best to grow and develop at a temperature of +25... + 28 ° C. From the beginning of autumn temperature should be lowered to + 12 ° C.
  • Soil: suitable porous ground mixtures which easily pass air and moisture.
  • Fertilizer: at the time of active growth of plants should be feed 1 every 4 weeks means for cacti. Do not use fertilizer from early autumn to mid-spring period.
Graptopetalum. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Graptopetalum. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru


Growth conditions:

  • Shine. Sansevieriya can be placed anywhere in the room: from the darkest corner to the brightest window. The more light, the more rapidly growing Teschin language.
  • Water: excessive watering is the leading cause of death sansevieriya. The soil must be allow to dry completely before humidification. In winter, the plants watered conditions low light only once a month.
  • Fertilizer: feed sansevieriya need every month during active growth amounted to cactus.
  • Temperature: sansevieriya grows well at + 15.5... + 29 ° C.
  • Soil: land that dries quickly rich in organic matter.
 Sansevieriya. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Sansevieriya. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Having an idea of ​​light-loving plants, you can create a miniature garden that will delight all year round.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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