Good afternoon, my reader. Aphids in the garden are destroyed by birds and beneficial insects, so many try to attract them to the site. However, often their labor is not enough to completely secure the planting. Proven home remedies come to the aid of summer residents. There are many tricks and tricks against the pest.
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How to get rid of aphids in greenhouses
In greenhouses, insects are plagued by acrid tobacco smoke. To do this, small branches are set on fire in a metal can. As soon as they start to flare up, sprinkle with tobacco. The smoking container is placed in the greenhouse, the doors are tightly closed. Aphids die pretty quickly.
If the plants are heavily caked, then before the procedure it will not hurt to remove most of the pests by hand. Aphids are removed from the stems with a wet cotton swab. It can be soaked in water or in a special infusion. The trimmed parts of the plants are burned.
Fighting aphids in open beds
In order to destroy aphids on plantings, they are sprayed with various solutions and infusions. They use many improvised means and plant waste.
Cabbage processing
First, all the leaves covered with insects are removed from the plant and burned. Heads of cabbage are wiped with a swab dipped in a solution or sprayed from all sides. Most often, cabbage is processed with the following means:
- Dandelion infusion. For 10 liters of water (warm) take about 400 g of crushed flower leaves. Insist for three hours and filter.
- A solution of green potassium soap or other potassium-based detergent (300 g in a 10 liter bucket of water). At the same time, pest control and fertilization are obtained.
Universal infusions and solutions
The following products are suitable for any plant. They are also used for greenhouse crops. The most effective of them:
- Onion infusion. Pour onion husks into a bucket of boiling water. Leave to infuse for a day. After the agent is filtered. Before use, be sure to dilute with water in a 1: 2 ratio.
- You can treat the places where aphids accumulate with milk. The product is taken non-greasy and diluted with water (1: 1).
- Soda ash. Pour 20 g of the substance into one liter of water. Laundry soap shavings are added to the container. You do not need to insist, strain before use.
- Tops from tomatoes. Bring the green mass with water to a boil and cook for another 30 minutes. You can pour boiling water over the foliage and leave for 24 hours. Some gardeners add soap shavings or washing powder to the mixture. Strain the broth before use.
- Potato broth. Instead of tomato, take potato tops and pour boiling water. You can insist less, about 5 hours.
All wiping and spraying of plants is carried out in calm weather. After 4-5 days, the procedures are repeated. This will help get rid of the pest for sure. It is also important to do this evening so as not to destroy beneficial insects.
Do you know how to get rid of aphids and not harm the plants?
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