In peacetime, while serving in the army, in the vast majority of cases, soldiers are not given a full set of ammunition. As a rule, a fighter is supposed to have several empty magazines and a scattering of a certain amount of cartridges, which will be immediately shot at the range. From this a logical question arises: how much ammunition is required for each individual soldier during a war?
Providing soldiers with ammunition is a very delicate and delicate issue. In peacetime, the ammunition supply of the units is carried out under strict control under the signature. In wartime, cartridges must also be issued in the prescribed manner. Of course, in a critical real combat situation there will be no time for "bureaucracy" and the soldiers will be supplied with ammunition as abundantly as the reserves and supply system will allow. In wartime, a simple and minor rule applies to cartridges: the more, the better. If you look at the history of domestic equipment, it becomes completely clear that the "active" ammunition of the shooters was mainly increased.
In the Stalin era, the provision of soldiers with ammunition was approached "in a big way", apparently remembering the experience very well World War II, when the amount of ammunition fired was thousands of times higher than the total losses on the battlefield. So, the pouch of the Kalashnikov assault rifle of the 1947 model contained as many as 5 magazines of 30 rounds each! When the Modernized Kalashnikov Assault Rifle appeared, a pouch was created for it for only 3 stores. But for the Kalashnikov-74 assault rifle, a pouch was created for 4 stores.
The situation changed radically during the Afghan war. Then unloading finally entered the soldier's "fashion", which made it possible to carry another 3 to 6 magazines on the chest or belt. Often, the unloading was used in conjunction with pouches. However, even before their appearance, the charter provided for situations when soldiers-shooters could rely on two pouches fully equipped with magazines.
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In addition, at all times, soldiers relied on "passive" ammunition. These are cartridges in boxes or even in the usual looseness, which the fighter would fill in the pockets of his clothes, and also put in a duffel bag. As you might guess, these cartridges were needed to equip the already empty stores during a lull.
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Thus, the number of ammunition relying on soldiers in a war is determined, in fact, by three things: the capabilities of the supply system, the available ammunition reserves and the tactical-combat situation. Of course, all unit commanders are interested in equipping their fighters with tightening cartridges.
If you want to know even more interesting things,
then it is worth reading about why on some Kalashnikov models the butt made with pimples.
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