How and how potassium permanganate mixed with vinegar can help in the household

  • Mar 04, 2021
How and how potassium permanganate mixed with vinegar can help in the household
How and how potassium permanganate mixed with vinegar can help in the household

Every housewife has vinegar in the house, but for some reason many fellow citizens forget about the usefulness of potassium permanganate in everyday life. Even fewer compatriots are aware of what a solution prepared on the basis of potassium permanganate and vinegar will be capable of. The following useful advice will come in handy, first of all, for those who regularly use pen and ink, and also have children or adolescents in their family who are studying.

Everything you need to create a solution. | Photo:
Everything you need to create a solution. | Photo:

To prepare a wonderful composition, we need potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid (about 70%). Also, for further work, you will need to have at your disposal a brush, a mixing container, and cotton swabs. From all of the above, it is necessary to prepare a solution.

After mixing, you get the following composition. | Photo:

The composition is prepared as follows: a small amount of potassium permanganate is placed in a clean dry container, after which a certain amount of acetic acid is poured. Most often, 1-2 tablespoons are enough for cooking. Next, take a cotton swab and thoroughly mix the composition. At the exit in the container, a very smelly solution of the color characteristic of potassium permanganate should turn out.

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We apply the composition to paper. | Photo:

The resulting product can be used to remove ink from a ballpoint pen. To do this, the composition is applied first to a brush, and then with its help on paper. Almost immediately after that, the ink will start to dissolve. Let the paper dry for a few minutes until a red-yellow spot remains in the place of the potassium permanganate. Immediately after that, pour it with hydrogen peroxide and get an almost blank sheet of paper!

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To remove potassium permanganate, we use peroxide. ¦ Photo:

If you want to know even more interesting things,

How to remove ink.

then it is worth reading about 8 quick ways to remove ink, if the wallpaper is painted in fluff and dust.
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