"Women's happiness" in the house: all about growing indoor spathiphyllum

  • Mar 04, 2021

Good afternoon, my reader. Spathiphyllum, often referred to as "female happiness", is a fairly popular houseplant. Even beginner growers can grow a flower.

 Spathiphyllum. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Spathiphyllum. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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Features of spathiphyllum

An evergreen tropical crop native to the humid forests of South America, New Guinea, and Southeast Asia, it is a member of the Aroid family. In the wild, spathiphyllum is found in floodplains of rivers (streams), wetlands. Some varieties of exotic flower have deservedly acquired the status of a popular home plant.

Large, lanceolate or oval leaf plates of the spathiphyllum form a dense rosette right from the roots. Spectacular inflorescences on tall, thin stalks resemble a white blanket enveloping a small creamy yellow "ear". Because of the unusual-looking flowers, the indoor culture is sometimes called the "white sail".

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This tropical plant cannot be called unpretentious. However, if you follow agricultural techniques, growing spathiphyllum at home will not require much effort.


Exotic flower prefers long daylight hours. However, it cannot withstand exposure to direct sunlight, which can burn foliage. Lighting should be diffused, the plant should be protected from the bright sun.

Spathiphyllum. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Spathiphyllum may be in partial shade for some time (in the back of the room, for example). However, the prolonged absence of normal lighting negatively affects the development of the plant. The leaves become frail, pale, and flowering may stop altogether.

Temperature regime

The living conditions, in which the temperature is constantly maintained at 18-20 ° C, are quite suitable for an exotic culture. In summer, the heat-loving flower can withstand heat up to + 27 ° C.

In winter, when the plant needs rest, the temperature regime can be reduced to 16 ° C. If the atmospheric indicators are lower, then the spathiphyllum can get sick and even die. Also, the flower negatively tolerates cold drafts.

Important! Heat-loving spathiphyllum does not tolerate hot, dry air, so it should not be placed near heating appliances.

Watering, spraying the crown

Accustomed to a humid tropical climate, the plant needs systematic watering, which can only be reduced in winter, during a dormant period. In the warm season, especially in the heat of summer, the soil must be moistened as needed.

For irrigation, it is best to use settled (at least 24 hours) or purified water at room temperature. In this case, stagnation of moisture in the soil must be avoided. The water from the pallets must be drained immediately so as not to cause rotting of the root system or the development of a fungal infection.

In addition to watering, the plant needs high humidity. To create conditions close to natural indoors, spathiphyllum is sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. This procedure is especially important during the hot season.

Spathiphyllum. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Top dressing

During the active growing season (from early spring to late autumn), spathiphyllum needs mineral fertilizing. For this, ready-made (liquid) complex fertilizers are used for ornamental or flowering crops:

  • Agricola;
  • "Forte";
  • Pocon;
  • Florovit, etc.

If the soil has a low humus content, then the plant will respond gratefully to organic fertilizing (a solution of a rotted mullein, for example).

An outlandish exotic plant is able to delight with its beautiful flowering appearance. To do this, you just need the right conditions for keeping the room culture and caring care.

Do you know how to care for spathiphyllum at home?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

About transplanting flowers in the fall, read the following article: Autumn flower transplant