Is it necessary to cut the load-bearing wall when conducting electrical wiring or can a non-combustible wire run over the wall?

  • Mar 04, 2021

This is a continuation of the popular "Question-Answer" section. Your attention is 58 in a row a question from readers. Let me remind you that if you have your own answer to a question, then write it in the comments below. I and other readers will be happy to read it.

I quote the text of the question from the reader Yulia verbatim:

Hello. Tell me, is it necessary to gouge the load-bearing wall when conducting electrical wiring, or can a non-combustible wire be run over the wall?
The photo is illustrative.
The photo is illustrative.

I considered the issue and consulted Julia within the framework of my knowledge and qualifications as follows:

Good day!

In general, electrical wiring, according to the method of laying, is divided into open and hidden in accordance with p.2.1.4 PUE, so if you want to use the first method of positioning the line, this is quite permissible.

The only question is the expediency and safety of such an installation, if the room is busy or is used for a workshop, then there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the insulation. Therefore, the external wiring cable should be armored, and in the circuit provide a protective ground to which the armor will be connected.

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The use of a non-combustible cable for laying the line is important in houses with wooden walls or other combustible finishes as wall coverings. They can also be used in rooms with a corresponding fire hazard category, where overheating of the cable threatens a fire and fire on a sufficiently large scale or with a threat human life.

P.S. Link to some past parts - Part 57, Part 56, Part 55, Part 54, Part 53.