Disadvantages of a high bed that a gardener should know about before deciding to arrange it on his site

  • Mar 06, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Gardeners have been using the method of growing vegetables in high beds for a long time. These seats look like large wooden boxes filled with soil.

 Garden beds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Garden beds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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Benefits of tall beds

When creating such a bed, any dense material is placed on the bottom of the box, which prevents weed shoots. This will make it easier to weed and remove weeds.

The shape of such a bed can be changed at will. The soil in the box warms up faster than on a regular bed. High sides protect the planting from drafts in windy weather.

If the land on the site is not fertile enough, this can easily be corrected when preparing the beds for planting.

Such a device is well suited for use in areas where groundwater is close. Cultivating vegetables in tall beds reduces the risk of plant damage due to excess moisture in the soil.

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Disadvantages of tall beds

Each device has its own pros and cons. Now let's deal with the disadvantages of a high bed.

Rectangular boxes arranged in rows are not to everyone's liking. There are also many questions when choosing the right material. Wood is considered the best, but it also becomes unusable sometime. So after about 3-5 years, the walls of the device begin to look unaesthetic, and after a while they completely collapse. Based on this, extra costs are needed for this option.

When constructing high beds, slate can be used, however, the asbestos dust used in the manufacture of this material will become a serious source of carcinogens. And cheap plastic releases toxins when heated by sunlight.

Now think about whether you need to make high beds in the garden or it is better to use the usual traditional ones. But if you still have to arrange them, get ready for the costs, because it is better to use environmentally friendly material, and it cannot be cheap.

Some vegetables do not tolerate overheated soil. Tuber and root crops cease to develop at a soil temperature of about +23 ° C and above. For example, a vegetable such as a radish is considered a cold-resistant plant, and at a higher temperature, all its strength and energy goes into the trunk and color, and the roots become tough and unsuitable for food.

Garden beds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Tall beds require frequent watering, as strong heating causes excessive evaporation of liquid from the soil. At the same time, frequent watering destroys soil structure. And during the evaporation of moisture, all useful substances rise to the upper layers of the soil, thereby causing salinization of the soil.

Saplings are growing, and low sides will not be able to protect them from strong winds, and the bushes may break. But if they are made higher, then the walls will block the plants from sunlight. In addition, the box must be well installed, otherwise, with any vibration, the root processes can be damaged, and the development of the plant slows down.

During heavy rains, soil and plants can be washed out of the garden, so when building it, hammer the box firmly so that there are no gaps.

Warm, moist soil helps the growth of microorganisms. In a closed box, they multiply much faster, therefore, in such territories, vegetable crops are more likely to get sick.

In winter, the ground in the box freezes completely, as a result of which the death of microorganisms occurs, and the soil bacteria also die. Therefore, humus is formed with a great slowdown. It will be necessary to periodically change the soil mixture, and this process is quite laborious. To save your time and effort, you can add rotted manure and a small amount of fresh soil to the garden every year.

Do you know about the disadvantages of high beds?

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