How to effectively get rid of snakes at their summer cottage

  • Mar 07, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. As soon as the weather becomes dry and warm, not only summer residents rush to suburban areas. Sometimes on the driveway, in the clearing in the sun, you can meet an uninvited guest - a snake.

 Oh. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Oh. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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There are several tips on how to protect your site from such visits.

Reasons for the appearance

The most common reptile neighbors are:

  • already;
  • viper;
  • copperhead.

Snakes have no poison and are essentially harmless. They exterminate small rodents and frogs.

Their appearance is possible in late spring. In August, they begin molting and the egg-laying period. It is at this time that they become most aggressive.

Reasons for the appearance:

  1. Close proximity to a forest or field.
  2. The presence of mice, insects, laying of bird eggs on the territory.
  3. Secluded and shady places: plank warehouse, tall grass, heaps of rubbish, logs.
  4. Abandoned plots in the neighborhood.
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Snakes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Less often, snakes come to the site along with building materials or livestock feed.

Traditional methods

First of all, snakes settle where there is no order. The best way in this case is a general cleaning:

  • take out the trash;
  • mow the lawn;
  • trim trees and shrubs;
  • close the compost pit.

After the site acquires a well-groomed appearance, proceed as follows:

  1. Chemicals (herbicides or saltpeter) are scattered around the perimeter of the site. They scare off snakes, but are dangerous for pets.
  2. Install self-made devices that emit vibration and noise at the slightest gust of wind. Or they hang bells on the branches, not only getting rid of snakes, but also delighting the owners with their melodic overflow.
  1. The snake repels the smell of wood ash. The component is sprinkled on garden paths, then it is mixed with the soil. Ash is not visible, but snakes can smell.
  2. Powdered naphthalene is effective. It is scattered around the perimeter and on the doorstep of the house.
  3. Garlic aroma is unpleasant for snakes. The plant is planted not only in the beds, but also on the borders of the site. The method is popular among the owners of summer cottages bordering the forest, from where uninvited guests come from.

Ready funds

In specialized stores, they buy ready-made products.

Most often these are scarers. There are types:

  • ultrasonic;
  • sound;
  • vibrating.

The ultrasonic device, depending on the range, spreads sound vibrations to which people, animals and birds are not susceptible, but snakes are caught. As a rule, snakes free the garden plot a week after installing the device.

Externally, the repeller looks like a garden lamp. Runs on batteries or solar accumulator. Standalone and can be installed anywhere. Has a housing protected from moisture.

Several networked devices have the greatest effect. They are located at some distance from each other, depending on the range and power. Such a system protects the perimeter of the site more reliably. Since the spilled preparations are washed away by the rain, and the garlic is damaged by insect pests.

Prevention measures

In order to avoid meeting uninvited guests with the onset of the warm dry season, preventive measures are taken:

  1. Carefully remove the area from debris and weeds. Since snakes grow in overgrown bushes, garbage dumps, open compost pits.
  2. They feed the hedgehogs. Eggs, milk and fruit are left for the animals. They not only scare away snakes, but exterminate them.
Snakes do not tolerate the smell of pets. To protect the site, a dog or cat is kept in the house. Pets will also help with other medium-sized snakes, such as Copperhead. However, the viper is capable of attacking in response.

When you meet a snake at the site, do not panic. You need to slowly and carefully step aside. Then, without turning your back on her, go as far as possible. If the snake is poisonous, they call a special service. If this is already harmless, they resort to one of the listed methods.

Do you know how to effectively get rid of snakes in a summer cottage?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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