Errors in the design of the garden

  • Mar 07, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. A beautifully designed garden plot is a dream for many summer residents. In order to avoid the most common mistakes, it is necessary to think over many details in advance.

 Garden plot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Garden plot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Location selection and timely care are important

There are the most common difficulties that most inexperienced gardeners face most often:

  • poor plant growth on the site;
  • lack of ovaries on crops.

The reasons for these difficulties usually lie in the wrong choice of place for planting plants. Before planting plants in a permanent place, it is necessary to find out what is required for the growth of certain crops: the presence of a sunny side or, conversely, a small shade. When in constant shade, most plants will not develop well.

Insufficient maintenance of the personal plot will negatively affect the overall appearance. As a rule, the gardeners themselves are to blame for the drying of plants, yellow lawns, who devote little time to caring for the site. Do not forget about the use of mineral and organic fertilizers that promote better growth.

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When caring for trees, it is necessary to trim and shape the crowns so that the garden looks more neat and beautiful.

It is important not to forget about treating the garden against fungal diseases. Insects can negatively affect plants, therefore, in autumn and spring, the garden must be treated in a timely manner to prevent their appearance.

Planting spreading shrubs and tall trees in front of the garden is not recommended. It is better to place them in a deeper part or next to buildings so that they do not cast a shadow on the plants growing in the beds. At the beginning of the garden, it is better to place ground covers - low plants that grow on the surface of the earth.

Plot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Use tiers when planning your garden and choosing a place for flower beds.

Combine buildings and landings

Consider the style and color scheme of the building located on the site:

  • tall trees with a lush crown can be planted next to the two-story building. Thus, the building will not dominate the site;
  • next to low buildings, shrubs that do not exceed 3 meters in height will look great.

Pay attention to the color scheme:

  1. Plants with light crowns or foliage will perfectly harmonize next to a dark house.
  2. For planting next to light-colored buildings, contrasting trees with dark green or burgundy foliage are suitable.

Try to avoid irrational and chaotic planting of plants and trees on the site. Make a preliminary plan: what plants and where you want to plant. Do not forget to take into account the climatic features of the region where the summer cottage is located.

Plot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Tall trees should be planted at a distance of at least 5 meters from each other and 3 meters from the fence. Shrubs can be planted at a distance of one and a half meters from each other and three meters from trees. Given these rules, you can easily calculate the number of seedlings to plant.

Design of flower beds

  • Choose a place for breaking up flower beds carefully;
  • place flower beds next to buildings, this will contribute to the neat appearance of the site;
  • do not plant flowers randomly;
  • it is better to plant flowers in those places where they will attract the attention of people who enter the site;
  • when planting flowers, take into account the shape of the paths on the site: round flower beds will look good when the presence of paths in a circle, with straight and parallel paths, it is better to break square or rectangular flower beds;
  • if the site is decorated in a landscape style, when the paths are made in the form of paths, and the planting of plants resembles a forest, the flower beds can be made in a rounded or wavy shape.

Have you already created a landscape design for your site?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

About transplanting flowers in the fall, read the following article: Autumn flower transplant