What plants are better to plant after strawberries

  • Mar 15, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Each culture has its own characteristics and needs a special approach. So, strawberries need care both during growth and fruiting, and after these processes. The bushes of this berry take useful minerals from the soil, so every 4 years a new place is selected for strawberries. Otherwise, it will not be possible to collect a bountiful and high-quality crop from it.

 Strawberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Strawberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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The culture takes useful minerals from the soil, as well as nitrogen and potassium, which worsens the condition of the soil and leads to excessive growth of pest plants. 4 years after fruiting in one place, the bushes are transplanted to a new bed along with a lump of earth. It is customary to carry out this process in the fall. The area from which the plants were removed must be fertilized with mineral compounds. Then the bed is left for several days, after which it is dug up. You also need to clear the soil of weeds.

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Crop rotation rules

The key to getting a good harvest is taking into account crop rotation and replanting plants in accordance with it. It is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. It is necessary to alternate cultures, taking into account which part of them is used for cooking. Greens or root vegetables can be planted on the plantation.
  2. Plants belonging to the same family cannot be planted in the same beds. Such a mistake is fraught with mass diseases of crops and attacks of pests. Do not plant raspberries with strawberries, rose hips, or strawberries in the same place.
  3. After the red berry, there is critically little nitrogen in the soil. It is necessary to plant on the site those plants that restore this component.
  4. The extensive root system of berry bushes must be replaced with a shallow one so that the soil can rest.

Plants to be grown after strawberries

The decision to plant a crop in a place where strawberries grew is quite difficult, but to simplify the process, you need to look at crops whose root system absorbs nitrogen from the air. The best option for planting after strawberries in the first year will be legumes. It is these plants that enrich the soil with nitrogen and prepare the soil for the next summer cottages. After this procedure, you can plant other crops in the garden.

In addition to legumes, you can plant carrots. Diseases that threaten her are fundamentally different from those that threaten the berry under study. And planting onions, garlic, dill will help improve the soil and prevent pest attacks.

Carrot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Another good option is to turn the strawberry garden into a flower bed. It will be possible to plant daffodils, tulips and peonies in this flower garden: they will actively develop and improve the condition of the soil.

In the second year, it is recommended to plant melons, watermelons, cucumbers, corn, nightshades and cereals, cabbage, radishes and beets.

What crops cannot be grown after strawberries?

First of all, this list includes representatives of the Rosaceae family. In addition, potatoes and tomatoes take over diseases of the studied crop, so they cannot be grown in the same garden. This rule also works in the opposite direction: you should not plant strawberries in an area where potatoes or tomatoes grew.

Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

After 5 years after harvesting the plantings, the culture can be returned to the garden bed. During this period, the soil will be restored and will again be able to provide all the elements that it needs so much. Planting green manure during the break will contribute to the health of the soil.

Do you know which plants are best to plant after strawberries?

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