Why were concrete "canopies" installed over the windows in some Soviet high-rise buildings?

  • Mar 15, 2021
Why were concrete "canopies" installed over the windows in some Soviet high-rise buildings?
Why were concrete "canopies" installed over the windows in some Soviet high-rise buildings?

Soviet architecture in the years of mass development of multi-storey "panels" did not differ in particular style and beauty. But on the streets of our cities you can still find non-standard residential buildings, which still differed from most buildings in some strange details. So, for example, there were innovative projects, the incomprehensible elements of which were concrete "canopies" located on the facade in front of the upper part of the window. What assumptions the ignorant people did not come up with, but the civil engineers of those times revealed the true purpose of the embedded parts.

The strange structures in the upper part of the window on some buildings of the Soviet era are still surprising (lamellar visors). | Photo: boom.ms.
The strange structures in the upper part of the window on some buildings of the Soviet era are still surprising (lamellar visors). | Photo: boom.ms.

The Soviet era, no matter how many may laugh at its architectural achievements, still boasts fantastic projects and original inventions. Today I would like to draw attention not to monumental works, but to ordinary multi-storey "panels", which are still considered the main housing stock of all post-Soviet countries and republics.

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A mysterious element of Soviet architecture in all its glory (lamellar visors). | Photo: dimka-jd.livejournal.com.

Unusual concrete structures are called lamellar canopies. These details can be seen on some typical multi-storey panel buildings, and they are located in front of the top of the window. Inventive people came up with all sorts of options for such an arrangement, starting with protection from shelling and even a nuclear explosion or the installation of ladders during fires and ending with a place for storing food in the winter time. But all these speculations have nothing to do with the real reason for such an unexpected "decoration".

Concrete lamellas are located at an angle of 45 degrees parallel to each other (lamellar canopies). | Photo: s30592398877.mirtesen.ru.

Even without the education of a civil engineer or architect, an observant person can immediately notice that lamellar canopies consist of two concrete beams at an angle of 45 °, with a small span between them. Something like the already familiar curtains-blinds or blades of the air flow regulator of an air conditioner, only they are motionless and made of concrete. As a rule, such structures were installed in government agencies, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, universities, less often found on dormitory buildings.

Looking at a strange detail of the exterior, a modern person immediately recognizes the familiar location. horizontal slats on blinds and may suggest that they serve to shade windows from straight sun rays. Such a hypothesis is closer to the point, but nevertheless such "visors" were made to improve ventilation inside the premises and served as a kind of air conditioner (and free). Such implementations were especially relevant in hot regions, where workers, patients or students languished from constant stuffiness and heat, because in those days they did not even hear about household air conditioners (fans under the ceiling or on the boss's desk do not count).

Concrete "air conditioner" of Soviet times (lamellar canopies). | Photo: dimka-jd.livejournal.com.

Everyone knows that warm air is lighter than cold air, so it rises up and when the window is opened it rushes out faster than the cold air that is at the bottom of the room does. If we consider the option with a standard window and a vent at the top of the opening, then it becomes clear how the ventilation takes place. As it turned out, this method, familiar to all ordinary people, is less effective than when using additional traction, which is created by concrete slats. When they "get down to business", the speed of airing increases significantly, which makes life easier for people who are inside a stuffy or hot room.

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The principle of operation of lamellar visors is akin to that of an aircraft flap. | Photo: ru.wikipedia.org.

The principle of operation of lamellar visors: This unique ability of monolithic structures is based on aerodynamics. Concrete lamellas act as aircraft flaps and provide air thrust. And this means, if you open a window for ventilation, in front of which such a structure is located, then a warm the air hitting the "wing" will leave the room even faster, thereby making room for life-giving coolness.

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If a plastic window is installed, then lamellar visors are best used as flower beds (jokes of users of social networks). | Photo: pikabu.ru.

According to the author of Novate.ru, lamellar visors have already outlived their usefulness and lost their practical value, and not only because people have acquired air conditioners. According to experts, modern metal-plastic windows, if they are open for ventilation, are already designed for such an increase in traction, and at the same time the lamellar visors are completely inactive. In order for them to help speed up the ventilation process, a modern window should be opened completely.

Believe it or not, air conditioners that provided a constant flow of cool air were invented by more than 2 thousand people. years ago. Moreover, such structures are so effective that people felt comfortable not only in standard houses,
they provided coolness to huge palaces. And even the most powerful state-of-the-art split systems cannot cope with this task.
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