How to quickly and easily patch a hole in the slate so that you don't have to change the entire sheet

  • Mar 16, 2021
How to quickly and easily patch a hole in the slate so that you don't have to change the entire sheet
How to quickly and easily patch a hole in the slate so that you don't have to change the entire sheet

Sooner or later, some kind of defect may appear in the slate coating. Most often, the owners are faced with cracks or holes. The latter are especially harmful both in relation to residential buildings and in relation to buildings with an economic purpose. If the damaged area is not promptly eliminated, then very soon the situation may worsen significantly. Fortunately, there is no need to change the entire slate sheet.

We use boards to move along the slate. / Photo:
We use boards to move along the slate. / Photo:

What you need: mounting hair dryer, scissors, gloves, waterproof repair tape, metal brush

Slate renovation is not as big of a science as it might seem. However, without specific knowledge, it will definitely not work to eliminate the hole in the roofing material without replacing the entire tile. Having prepared all of the above for work, as well as providing free access to the roof to the damaged area, you can safely get down to work.

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We clean the place of damage. / Photo:

Important: on slate you need to move with extreme caution. It is best to prepare a long board and use it to move around the roof. The bottom line is to distribute your mass as much as possible over the entire surface of the slate and not press into one single point.

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Once you find yourself near the site of the defect, you must first clean it of moss and dirt. A metal brush will help to cope with this task, and the place of work should be dried with a hairdryer. The width of the cleaned space should be at least 1.5 times larger than the repair flap, which will be glued further.

Install the patch. / Photo:

A fragment of the desired size is cut from the repair tape. It is applied to the hole from above, after which it is smoothed with a roller and processed with a hairdryer. This completes the repair. Such a patch will protect the roof from future leaks. As you can already see, there is nothing fundamentally difficult in the work.

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It should look something like this. / Photo:

Continuing the topic is worth reading

Why was the slate called that.

about slate: why the material tested over the years bears this name.
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