How to plant peonies in spring

  • Dec 13, 2020

Peonies are used by flower growers to decorate the backyard area. They look beautiful, do not require special care and delight with abundant flowering for a long time. But in order to arrange a flower garden with these plants, you should read the information on how to plant peonies in spring.

To decorate a flower garden with peonies, you should read the information on how to plant peonies in spring. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
To decorate a flower garden with peonies, you should read the information on how to plant peonies in spring. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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The main nuances for spring planting

From August to September, the weather is favorable outside, so the planting of flowers is carried out without problems. However, at the beginning of spring, night frosts are not uncommon in mid-latitudes, so the probability of kidney death when the temperature drops to negative values ​​is quite high.

However, the spring planting of peonies is sometimes forced, since a large number of decorative hybrids are brought to the territory of Russia in late winter or early March. They fill flower stalls en masse and attract local florists. As a result, fans of peonies are worried about whether their favorite flowers will be able to adapt to a changeable climate and bloom profusely.

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If mistakes are made when planting peonies in the spring, they will start to hurt or stop developing normally. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the weather forecast, since at the temperature range + 20... 30 ° C plants form suction roots, and when the temperature drops sharply, they are exposed to freezing.

The rapid increase in temperature provokes intensive growth of the kidneys, and the root system lags behind in development. Therefore, young stems deplete the rhizome, negatively affecting the decorative effect of the flower culture.

If planting in the spring is mandatory, it is better to carry it out in early spring, after the snow melts, with a minimum risk of night frosts. In the Middle Lane, this period falls in April.

From August to September, the weather is favorable outside, so the planting of peonies is carried out without problems. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Features of reproduction in spring

When planting peonies in spring, flower growers use different methods of their reproduction. Someone gives preference to dividing the bush, guided by the following algorithm of actions:

  • We dig out 70 cm depressions with a diameter of 60 cm. A distance of 1 m is maintained between each pit.
  • A drainage layer made of crushed brick or gravel is immersed at the bottom of the hole.
  • A ball of humus with potassium dressings or superphosphate is placed on top of the main material. By ½ the pit is filled with a nutrient substrate.
  • Then the rest of the soil mixture is poured out, the cut is planted to a depth of 10 cm. The roots are carefully straightened, and the buds are immersed a few cm into the soil.
  • A hole is made in the area of ​​the trunk circle, the plant is watered abundantly. A small layer of remaining earth is left on the surface.
If the weather conditions do not allow planting in open soil, it is better to do it in special containers and keep the plants indoors.

When propagating by layering, the flower is covered with a box without a bottom. A wet substrate is placed in it. If all the conditions are met, after a while, the planting specimen will form roots and regenerating buds. In autumn, the shoots above the buds are cut off and kept in the nursery until spring.

As long-lived plants, peonies need proper care and maintenance. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Landing requirements

As long-lived plants, peonies need proper care and maintenance. Experienced flower growers claim that abundant flowering of peonies is possible under the following growing conditions:

  • The soil. The plant grows normally and blooms for a long time on loam with a high-quality drainage layer. If the soil contains a lot of peat, it is better to replace it. Also, peonies need an acidic substrate, which is prepared by adding slaked lime.
  • Humidity. When growing in low-lying places where moisture stagnates, flowers may die.
  • Lighting. Abundant flowering is possible only with good light conditions.

Subject to these recommendations, peony bushes will bloom all season, delighting with a pleasant aroma and high decorative effect.

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