Why were they knocked out their price on Soviet-made goods?

  • Mar 23, 2021
Why were they knocked out their price on Soviet-made goods?
Why were they knocked out their price on Soviet-made goods?

Modern people are accustomed to the fact that the goods they buy have price tags that are pasted on top. But in the USSR, all prices were knocked out on each product, and this was a normal phenomenon, which did not cause questions to anyone.

In the Soviet Union, prices were stable / Photo: yandex.ua
In the Soviet Union, prices were stable / Photo: yandex.ua

Very often, representatives of younger generations say that there was no stability in the USSR, but there was stagnation. But those who lived at that time remember very well that despite a number of negative moments with a total deficit, people did not know what metal entrance doors with a mass of locks meant, buying an apartment, paying for tuition and many more Total.

In the USSR, people lived differently and thought differently / Photo: yandex.ua

In fact, it was a completely different time, in which people not only lived differently, but also thought fundamentally differently. Many say that at this time there were practically no "hucksters" (and so it was in reality).

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Soviet goods have always been of high quality / Photo: drugoigorod.ru

As for money, their value was purely relative. The cost of products manufactured in the state was set not on the basis of the cost of manufacturing them, but taking into account the need and, oddly enough, accessibility for Soviet citizens.

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Prices for goods were set not on the basis of costs for them, but taking into account availability.

As for knocking out prices for goods, it was most likely an indicator of stability and high quality. Indeed, there is no question of quality. Many electrical appliances of those times and now work perfectly when turned on, which cannot be said about modern modernized devices.

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The cost of goods was set uniform, it differed only depending on the price zone to which the settlement belonged / Photo: people.onliner.by

The second version is a planned economy. The cost of production was set by the government of the country and was the same for all settlements and regions in accordance with the established price zones. The price was differentiated in order to equalize the costs of manufacturing goods and their transportation to the final point of sale.

Continuing the topic, read,
why the casings of Soviet TVs were made of wood and not of plastic.
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