An effective way to restore plastic in a car interior without much expense and hassle

  • Mar 23, 2021
An effective way to restore plastic in a car interior without much expense and hassle
An effective way to restore plastic in a car interior without much expense and hassle

Any finishing material used to cover the interior space of a car interior gradually deteriorates. Over time, numerous defects appear on it: dents, burns, scratches. The latter appear most often. There is no need to say that even small scratches spoil the look of the exterior. Much better to figure out what you can do to remove them. And preferably at no extra cost.

The plastic gets numerous defects. | Photo:
The plastic gets numerous defects. | Photo:

Eliminating minor defects in the plastic trim of the car interior is not as difficult as it might seem. Of course, you can buy special tools at a car store to fix cracks. However, there may not be extra money for this at some point. In addition, with the variety of restoration products for plastic available on the market, there is a serious likelihood of running into frankly low-quality products. Therefore, the solution of the problem can be approached from the other side - the “popular” one.

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You will need sandpaper. | Photo:

For the work ahead, you will need some improvised means. Nothing special (for the most part) is needed. You should get a hairdryer (you can use a regular one, if you can find a construction one, that's just fine), a soft towel, fine sandpaper with a grit of 1200/2000. As soon as everything is ready, you can immediately proceed to the process of restoring plastic surfaces.

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Scratches are removed with a hair dryer. | Photo:

Before starting work, it is recommended to thoroughly wipe clean and wipe dry the surface. It will absolutely not be superfluous to also carry out degreasing. Once the surface is clean and dry, you can begin to gently sand the damaged areas with sandpaper. It is best to do slow, consistent circular motions. Immediately after that, you can proceed to heating the plastic with a hair dryer. You should not be zealous, it is enough to slightly increase the surface temperature. The work ends by thoroughly rubbing the scratch with a dry towel.

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Small scratches can be removed perfectly. ¦ Photo:

Using this method, you can easily remove numerous small scratches that appear on the panel, handles and other elements over the years of use. Large and deep scratches cannot be completely removed, but you can make them much less noticeable.

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