Why can not open the trunk of the car in front of the traffic police inspector: What you need to know about these situations

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 Is it possible to open the trunk.
Is it possible to open the trunk.

The driver, know your rights and responsibilities! Very often, the traffic police using legal illiteracy of citizens, inexperience and general excitement, not Only check the documents, but also asked to open the trunk of the car, and then begin to inspection or examination cars. The whole point is that such actions on the part of the inspectors are not always legitimate.

Can the police do require to open the trunk?

Not really.
Not really.

In normal circumstances and without the protocol police has no right to open the trunk of a car door, demanding to do so by the driver. The exception to the rule - a war or a state of emergency in the city. In all other cases - this arbitrariness, for which the traffic police in the good to be reprimanded.

The difference between the examination and inspection

You need to know their rights.
You need to know their rights.

The inspector has the right to inspect the car without the presence of witnesses and of the minutes. To do this, he does not need any permission. That's only demand was nothing the driver can not. The machine is inspected externally, and the interior - through a window. Open the doors and trunk driver in such a situation is not required.

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Inspection - this is a detailed study of the vehicle, for which the necessary concepts and protocol. In this situation, the driver is obliged to open the trunk and doors. However, the police still do not have the right to touch the driver's things, and require him to turn out his pockets, the contents of the bags. The latter is already a personal search for which must be substantial grounds.

What to do driver

How to behave correctly.
How to behave correctly.

If the traffic police officer insists on inspecting the car, he should recall Article 27.9 of the Administrative Code, binding to conduct such an event in the presence of the owner and two witnesses and after drawing protocol. If a police officer insists on carrying out the inspection without complying with the relevant rules, remind them of Article 19.1 of the "arbitrariness". If any illegal actions inspectors need to call the police. Behave confidently, speak calmly and make the most literate language.

And further...

What hedgehog should know.
What hedgehog should know.

The law does not stipulate that the inspector may require the driver to show him a first aid kit or fire extinguisher. If the inspector is playing for time - reminding him that it limits you in control of a vehicle. And most importantly, remember that the inspector can not attract as witnesses other police officers. They have to be strangers, and they should seek it, not the driver.

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