Are the edges of the leaves beginning to dry on begonia? Understanding the reasons

  • Apr 01, 2021

Despite the fact that indoor begonia is quite unpretentious to care for, it requires certain growing conditions. If they are not observed, the leaves of the flower begin to wither and wither. In order for the plant to remain healthy and retain its decorative appearance, the cause of the negative changes must be eliminated. My small article will help to do this, in which I described several basic mistakes in caring for this wonderful flower.

Causes of wilting leaves

There are several main reasons that lead to the fact that begonia leaves begin to wilt, lose turgor and dry at the edges.

1. Drafts and cold air

In late autumn and early winter, the most common cause of leaf wilting is a draft. With a decrease in air temperature, a cold breeze begins to blow into the unsealed gaps between the frames. This leads to the appearance of small drafts, which are enough to cause serious stress to the plant.

2. Excessively dry air

With the arrival of cold weather, heating devices begin to work in all houses, which, in combination with rare ventilation, greatly dry the air. To keep the relative humidity of at least 60%, important for begonias, you should purchase a humidifier or supply containers of water. The latter should have a large evaporation surface. Deep bowls or small buckets are great.

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3. Improper watering

Improper watering most often causes the leaves to dry out in the spring and summer. However, you shouldn't rule it out throughout the year. Begonia should be watered with soft warm water when the top layer of the soil dries out. In winter, the procedure is carried out no more than once a week. However, the soil should be checked every three days.

4. Sunburn

A rarer cause is sunburn after direct rays hit the leaf blades. Most often this happens with begonias that grow on the south window. In order to remedy the situation, rearrange the flower in partial shade or install an obstacle to diffuse the light.

Read also on my website - Fertilizing indoor flowers with hydrogen peroxide in winter

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