Five ways to clean a 19 liter bottle if your hand can't get through

  • Apr 04, 2021
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Five ways to clean a 19 liter bottle if your hand can't get through
Five ways to clean a 19 liter bottle if your hand can't get through

Few agree to drink unboiled tap water. Few in our time and those who completely trust modern filters. Many citizens prefer to purchase bottled water for drinking and cooking. Thus, sooner or later, 19-liter eggplants enter the farm. Needless to say that a large capacity is indispensable in the economy, especially in the dacha? The only problem is that over time the bottles get dirty and even begin to "bloom". In such a situation, there is nothing else left - you need to wash the container.

1. We use millet

You can wash the eggplant with millet. | Photo:
You can wash the eggplant with millet. | Photo:

Any cereal can be used as an abrasive, but hardly anyone would agree to wash a 19-liter eggplant with buckwheat. In this respect, millet wins qualitatively in several ways. First, it is very cheap. Secondly, it is extremely fine, which is good for any abrasive wash.

All you need to do is pour up to 2 liters of clean water into a 19-liter bottle, pour a glass of millet into it (it is better to use a paper funnel for this), plug the neck of the bottle with something and start shaking it from all forces. A couple of minutes and it will be like new.

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2. We use soda and eggshells

A solution of soda and eggshells do an excellent job. | Photo:

To use this method, you will first have to prepare a solution with a 5% soda content. To do this, take a 1 liter container and fill it with warm water. Pour 50 grams of baking soda into it, and then stir the liquid thoroughly. The resulting composition is poured into our 19-liter bottle and left there to "infuse" for 1.5-2 hours.

During this time, we cook eggs (4-6 pieces) and remove the shell from them. With the help of a mortar and pestle, the shell is ground into something like a powder, after which it is poured into the eggplant through a paper funnel. Then the matter remains small: shake the bottle for 2 minutes, then drain the solution. At the end, do not forget to rinse the container 3-4 times.

3. We use nettles

Nettles are just as good. | Photo:

Pour 1 liter of cold water into a dirty 19-liter bottle. We go into the field and tear 1-3 adult nettle bushes there (before that, it would be prudent to think about protecting your hands). Armed with a knife, chop the brought bushes more or less finely and fill the slices inside a 19-liter container. We begin to stir, shake, shake with all our might for 2-3 minutes. After that, drain the water with the nettle and rinse the container.

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4. We use detergent and a rag

Nobody canceled the usual detergents. | Photo:

The most trivial and at the same time quite effective way to clean any 19 liter bottle. We take a clean rag and throw it into the eggplant. Pour 1-2 liters of tap water into the vessel. Pour in more dishwashing detergent, after which we begin to shake the container diligently. In general, this method is not much different from the point of view of mechanics from all those described above. After chatting the bottle for 2-4 minutes, drain the water, take out a rag and rinse the container with clean water.

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5. We use a magnet

We insert a neodymium magnet into the sponge. ¦ Photo:

The most exotic way to wash. To implement it, you need a couple of very strong neodymium magnets. We insert one of them through the slot into the sponge. Pour clean water and detergent into the eggplant, after which we throw in a washcloth with a magnet inserted inside. After that, we take the second neodymium magnet and, attaching it to the wall of the bottle, we pick up our sponge with it. Having done this, we begin to drive along the walls until we have cleared all the internal space in this way.

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