Profiled pipe welding training. For beginners

  • Apr 04, 2021
Profiled pipe welding training. For beginners

Friends, I welcome everyone to my channel for self-taught welding and locksmiths. The first pancake is always lumpy. This is a true proverb, any new business is hard to do well.

We bought an inverter, mask, electrodes. This season there are many plans to weld various structures on your site. There will be a lot of welding from a profile pipe, as this is the most convenient.

Immediately start welding the fence, wicket, but any design is undesirable, not even necessary. You should practice first. But training also needs a labor pipe, it costs money, it's a pity. Therefore, I will give simple tips on how to make this workout inexpensive.

Profiled pipe welding training. For beginners

This option immediately comes to mind. Cut small pieces from the profile pipe. Grab them with different gaps and try to weld them. On the one hand, everything is correct, but.

It is too labor-intensive and time-consuming, which means it will be expensive. Let's do something simpler.

We take a piece of a profile pipe and with a grinder we just make slots in it. Now we do not need to cut off a new piece every time, so that later we can grab it and emit welding of 2 pieces.

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We can adjust the gap of such slots by ourselves, by the thickness of the cutting disc. If you want a larger gap, you can walk the disc a couple of times. The preparation of such a training piece of iron takes a matter of seconds.

A small piece of a professional pipe is enough for a huge number of seams. We welded some slots, make others and brew again. If you cut and weld individual pieces, then the amount of pipe will be needed much more, because we will not cut into very thin rings and then weld them. And here a new cut can be made a few millimeters from the seam.

You can make a universal simulator. First, we grab 2 pieces of iron into the corner joint. We boil it on both sides, and then this connection can also be cut with a disc and welded on the slots.

It is necessary to weld the slots in different spatial positions so that the hands and eyes get used to the difference in the behavior of the weld pool.

That's the whole trick, do not waste time and material cutting the pipe into pieces and then welding them. Make slits in the pipe and at least train yourself while there is free space on the surface!

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