Why were glass balls made in the USSR, which children in the yard wanted to get

  • Apr 06, 2021
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Why were glass balls made in the USSR, which children in the yard wanted to get
Why were glass balls made in the USSR, which children in the yard wanted to get

In the days of the USSR, there were many gizmos of interest to children, to which they are unlikely to pay attention today. Among them were balls of glass of the same shape and diameter, which were often hunted by children.

Multicolored glass balls were of particular interest for Soviet children / Photo: yaplakal.com
Multicolored glass balls were of particular interest for Soviet children / Photo: yaplakal.com
Why in the Soviet Union they made multi-colored glass balls, which every child wanted to get. / Photo: lime.energy
Why in the Soviet Union they made multi-colored glass balls, which every child wanted to get. / Photo: lime.energy

And the point is not at all that it was impossible to buy toys in the Children's World. There were always enough of them, and they were inexpensive. It's just that these multi-colored balls, and they were transparent, green, blue, brown, were of particular interest to Soviet children, since they appeared from nowhere.

There were many versions of the origin of these miracle balls / Photo: m.fishki.net

As a rule, they were not bought, but found or exchanged for something from someone. There were different versions regarding the origin of these products. Some said that they come from vodka bottles, others - air balloons with paint, and still others - are used for tumbling.

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Glass balls were preforms for the production of fiberglass / Photo: thequestion.ru

Perhaps all assumptions are correct, but the purpose of their manufacture was completely different - they were blanks for the manufacture of standard fiberglass. And for the guys, they were generally a currency for which almost everything could be exchanged.

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For Soviet children, balls served as a kind of currency for which everything could be exchanged / Photo: fotostrana.ru

Of course, these small round glasses were not valuable everywhere. Much depended directly on the area. Where they were often found, they were not too desirable. Basically, there were a lot of them near production or railway tracks. Often they were brought by those who worked in these industries.

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In Ufa, at the Steklonit plant, glass beads are still used in production / Photo: gtrk.tv

In fact, the balls were preforms and were produced in factories where fiberglass was made. Technology hasn't changed these days. In Ufa, at the Steklonit plant, such raw materials are still present.

If you want to know more about the purpose of some Soviet items, read
7 questions from childhood that some adults still torment.
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