Growing radishes: which insects damage the crop

  • Apr 06, 2021

Good afternoon, my reader. Radish is one of the earliest vegetable crops to ripen in our gardens. However, inexperienced summer residents do not always manage to harvest due to a sudden invasion of insects. To protect the crunchy red-sided root vegetable from pests, you need to know how they look and what methods this problem is eliminated.

 Radish. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Radish. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Cruciferous flea

Small black bugs, about 0.3 mm in size, feed on radish tops. The gluttonous insect is able to turn cruciferous leaves into a sieve in a very short period of time. In this case, the plant is harmed not only by adult adults, but also by the larvae that eat the roots of young plants.

The insect safely waits out the winter in the upper layers of the soil under last year's foliage. In hot and rainy weather, cruciferous flea beetle activity is noticeably reduced. In the fight against pests, gardeners use chemicals: "Aktara", "Sherpa", "Aktellik", "Decis", "Lightning", etc.

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From folk remedies, dusting of the tops of sifted wood ash, tobacco dust, ground hot pepper, mustard powder is used. In addition, infusions of dandelion leaves, tomato or potato tops with the addition of vinegar (20 ml per bucket of water) help a lot.

Radish. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Caterpillars of the belyanka butterfly

The first generation of whitewing butterfly larvae appears in the beds in the second half of June, and the second - in early September. Gluttonous yellow-green caterpillars devour radish leaves in a matter of days, leaving only petioles.

To scare away cabbage butterflies from the garden with radishes, summer residents prepare infusions of fragrant herbs (rosemary, wormwood, sage, basil, etc.). Of the chemical acaricides used: "Bitoxibacillin", "Entobacterin", "Lepidocide", etc.

If the butterflies nevertheless managed to lay eggs and hatch offspring, the plants are treated with drugs: "Actellik", "Sumi-Alpha", "Kinmix", etc. And the beds are sprinkled with wood ash mixed with ground hot pepper or mustard.

For prevention, the site is dug up annually, and the weeds and remains of cultivated plants are raked into a heap and burned.

Spring cabbage fly

This pest can cause serious damage to the cruciferous crop. The peak of activity of the cabbage fly occurs at the time of planting radishes (late May - early June). The larvae hatched from eggs in the upper layers of the soil eat up young roots and emerging roots. In a few days, insects can destroy future crops.

Cabbage fly is scared away with tobacco dust mixed with camphor and crushed bay leaves. The beds are processed every 3-5 days. In addition, spicy herbs and flowers (parsley, celery, basil, coriander, marigolds, calendula, etc.) are planted in the aisle.

Fly. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

If the number of pests has reached catastrophic proportions, then it is more effective to use the treatment of plants and soil with chemicals: Iskra-Bio, Karate, Antio, Rovikurt, etc.

Cruciferous bug

The bright black-red color of the pest is very clearly visible on the tops of the radish. Insects that overwintered in last year's foliage and plant debris appear on the beds in late April - early May. Bed bugs that feed on plant cell sap are especially active in hot, dry weather.

The insect is repelled by the smell of tansy tincture. And besides, summer residents put cotton swabs or scraps of cloth moistened with turpentine or kerosene between the beds.

If there are few pests, they are collected by hand. And the excessively multiplied colony of insects is treated with pesticides: "Aktellik", "Belofos", "Phosbecid", "Aktara".

Juicy, crunchy radish is one of the first vegetables to ripen in the new season. In order to preserve the harvest of a root crop with a piquant taste, you need to reliably protect it from pests.

Do you know which insects damage the radish crop?

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