The best varieties of spring garlic for good yields and long-term storage

  • Apr 10, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. If you plan to plant spring garlic on the site, it is important to take into account its differences from winter garlic. In addition, it is advisable to choose a high-yielding variety that is resistant to diseases and shooting.

 Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Differences between spring garlic and winter garlic

These varieties of spicy crops differ, first of all, in terms of planting. Spring species are planted in late April - early May, and winter crops - in the first half of autumn. Moreover, they may have different levels of yield and shelf life.

Spring varieties, in contrast to winter ones, are more cold-resistant: they easily tolerate spring return frosts. However, the winter cold is destructive for them. Bulbs planted in spring can be stored longer without loss of commercial quality. Winter crops cannot compete in this: they are used mainly for canning. Fresh, they do not last long.

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The difference between spring and winter crops is easy to identify visually:

  • In winter varieties, a core is formed in the center of the head, to which individual cloves are attached. Spring crops do not have this feature.
  • The teeth of winter varieties are grouped in 1 tier around the central core. And in spring crops they are twisted in a spiral in several rows. Moreover, the outer lobules are larger than those located closer to the center.
  • The harvest of winter garlic is much higher, because its bulbs are formed from large, even cloves. In spring varieties, the heads are formed from small lobules.

In addition, spring garlic (in most) does not form arrows. Winter, on the contrary, forms round inflorescences with small bulbs, suitable for reproduction.

Preparation of planting material

The heads of garlic selected for planting are divided into cloves and the excess outer shell is peeled off. The slices are then sorted by size and quality. Dried, rotten, rotten or with traces of the disease, the teeth are immediately discarded.

Planting garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
For planting, leave the best - large and medium slices without external defects. Before planting in the ground, the seed is kept warm (16-20 ° C) for a month, and then taken out to a cool room (2-5 ° C) for 3-4 weeks.

The best varieties of spring garlic

Spring types of garlic are not very productive. However, most of them (except for the Gulliver variety) do not form arrows. This greatly facilitates the care of the crop. In addition, you can choose a variety that suits the climatic conditions of your region.


This fruitful mid-season variety forms rounded, slightly flattened heads, covered with yellowish white scales. Bulbs with 13-15 cloves weigh about 40 g. Garlic, which has a semi-sharp taste, can be stored well until the next harvest. In addition, the plant has good disease resistance.


A high-yielding variety of medium late ripening is not susceptible to disease. Its dense, round-flat fruits consist of very large lobules (4-5 pieces), covered with white scales. The average weight of bulbs with a pungent taste is 90-120 g. Gulliver can be stored for 3 to 4 months without loss of quality. Among the disadvantages: this garlic forms arrows.


This mid-season variety produces consistently high quality yields. Dense, rounded heads are covered with white or creamy pink scales. Bulbs (20-25 g) with a semi-sharp taste are collected from 15-18 slices. Elenovsky garlic is not susceptible to common diseases, suitable for long-term storage.

Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


The mid-ripening variety has a high yield. The rounded flat bulbs, covered with dry white scales, are disease resistant and keep well until the next harvest. Garlic has a semi-sharp taste, its heads are from 15 to 25 cloves. The average fruit weight is about 35 g.

Sochi 56

Bulbs of a mid-season fruitful variety are formed from 15-30 lobules covered with purple-white or brown-pink scales. Fruits with a semi-sharp taste reach a weight of 50 g. Sochi 56 is suitable for long-term storage.

From a variety of spring varieties of garlic, you can always choose the right one in order to be able to enjoy the taste of spicy fruits at any time of the year. With proper care, this crop gives good yields and is stored for a long time.

Do you plant spring garlic in the country?

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