How to get a bountiful harvest of radishes: the secrets of experienced gardeners

  • Apr 13, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Growing radish does not require a lot of labor and time. There are several secrets that experienced gardeners adhere to and get a good harvest with high taste.

 Radish. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Radish. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Compliance with landing dates

The optimum air temperature for sowing radishes in spring is 22 o C. Experienced gardeners are advised to choose the end of March, early April or late July, early August. It is during these periods that the optimal temperature and enough light.

With a short daylight hours, the culture blooms and forms seeds, the fruits are small and bitter.

Choosing the right place

Radish prefers a well-lit place.

Produces a bountiful harvest if planted after:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkins;
  • beans;
  • a tomato;
  • potatoes.

Do not plant in the place where their predecessors were:

  • mustard;
  • cabbage;
  • rape;
  • radish.
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Radish prefers fertile soil, with good air and moisture permeability.

Selection of varieties

Radish varieties are divided into:

  1. Ripening: early, medium, late.
  2. Fruit shape: elongated, round, oval.
  3. Color: pink, white, yellow, purple.
Radish. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Pay attention to growing conditions. For the southern regions, preference is given to drought-resistant:

  • Caspar;
  • Zlata.

In the north - to a lower temperature:

  • Red giant;
  • Mokhovsky;
  • French breakfast.

Seed quality

The successful cultivation of radish and the quality of the crop depend on the seed. Therefore, all seeds are soaked for 24 hours before sowing. Those who come up are selected and thrown away.

The rest are prepared for landing:

  1. Etched in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.
  2. Dry.
  3. Soaked in a growth promoter.

Then they are sown in open ground in a previously prepared place.

Garden bed preparation and sowing

The plot is prepared 14 days before sowing:

  1. The top layer is loosened by 5 cm.
  2. To make it convenient to care for the planting, no more than 3 furrows are made. Each is 3 cm deep, the distance between the furrows is 20 cm.
  3. Sand and ash are poured onto the bottom. If the soil is poor, add compost.
  4. Radishes are sown, retreating 5 cm between the seeds.
  5. Sprinkle with peat, earth or coconut substrate. Layer 0.5 cm thick.

If the seed was previously prepared, seedlings appear already on the 3rd day.

To make them friendly, the landing is covered with a film.

Seedling care

Compliance with agricultural techniques is the key to successful cultivation and fruiting of a crop. First of all, it consists in timely watering, fertilization and soil care.


After sowing, the planting is spilled abundantly with warm, settled water and the soil is mulched in the aisles.


  • peat;
  • sawdust;
  • cut grass.

Mulch allows moisture to stay in the soil longer, and weeds do not germinate.

Radish. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


You can get a bountiful harvest, not bitter and juicy, by observing the rules of watering. A lot of moisture will be needed for the culture, the soil should not dry out.

On dry days, water is added every day 2 times. In the morning, before noon. And in the evening, after sunset. The soil is then loosened thoroughly to avoid crusting on the surface.

Use a watering can with a strainer. This will help to avoid large jets eroding the top layer. Water is taken warm, well-settled.


Radish planted on fertile soil does not need additional feeding. However, if the tops are large, and the fruit itself is small, this means that there is not enough potassium and phosphorus, and nitrogen is in excess.

In this case, prepare a solution:

  • water - 10 l;
  • potassium sulfate - 20 g;
  • superphosphate - 50 g.

The components are diluted and the resulting composition is watered over the planting.

If the leaves of the radish are pale green, this indicates a lack of nitrogen. Then the culture is fed with urea, using 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water. Fertilizer is applied only once, since an excess of nitrogen contributes to the formation of voids in root crops.

Adhering to simple rules for sowing radishes and further caring for them, they get a tasty, bountiful harvest, juicy and healthy.

Do you know how to get a bountiful harvest of radishes?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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