Why are twisted (cringe) leaves of cucumber, and what to do

  • Dec 24, 2019

"What only no contagion" - loved at the time to impose my grandmother, once again encountering on their six acres with various pests and plant diseases. Very often I have heard this phrase as she walked between the beds of tomatoes and cucumbers in teplichke.

Indeed, these cultures could be related to one of the most demanding of care, and in this article I will tell you about one of the most often manifesting "signs" that the state grown in a greenhouse cucumber leaves much to be desired, namely: on electric roller leaves.

Why twisted cucumber leaves

Carefully having studied gardening guides, I was a sample list of the factors that may cause twisting of the leaves of cucumber. The list includes:

  • "Poverty" soil nutrients.
  • Violation of the irrigation regime.
  • parasites damage.
  • Damaging fungus or harmful bacteria.
  • Exposure to sunlight.

The following will describe in more detail each cause.

Calcium, magnesium, sulfur and nitrogen

The four elements in the headline above - the necessary "quartet" to your cucumber "orchestra" was able to tune an abundance of fruit.

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It should be noted that excessive amounts of certain elements can not be less negative impact on the state of the plant than the lack of them. The lack of these substances may indicate twisting of leaves in the bottom side.

wrong watering

Lack of moisture or irregular watering can most disastrous affect the greenhouse cucumbers. In this case, the edge of lamina begin to dry and yellowing. Furthermore, such an effect can occur when the seedlings are planted too closely together.

Parasites and infections

If the leaves of cucumbers not wrapped either up or down, as it were, shrivel, it is - a sure sign that plant or is experiencing difficulties due to irregular (less than 4 times a week), watering or is attacked pests.

Again, sometimes wrinkling sheets may also indicate a lack of nitrogen in the soil, or from direct sunlight, although the majority of greenhouses are able to provide them protection.

A few words about planting

No matter how many neighbors are not telling me that weather this year will be great and it's time to plant the seedlings for a long time, I still never in a hurry with this.

It so happens that freezing does not occur, and the neighbors are beginning to feast on the first cucumbers much earlier than I did, but sometimes even the most faithful forecasts fail, and with frost, the plants have difficulty even in the hothouse conditions. Neighbors in such cases shrug: that, say, do, this region again. Well, I'm just waiting for the freeze will last, the soil warms to at least 12 degrees, and then are planted seedlings, convinced that she was not cold face, and the root system will develop enough to bush could give an adequate harvest.

And what causes curling of leaves, you know? Who faced a similar problem? I'll look forward to your comments. Do not forget to subscribe on our channel. And also do not forget that your Like and subscribe - is the best reward for authors! :)