Why do tractors have large rear wheels and small front wheels?

  • Apr 14, 2021
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Why do tractors have large rear wheels and small front wheels?
Why do tractors have large rear wheels and small front wheels?

Each of us in early childhood probably wondered why tractors always have rear wheels larger than front ones. And for most people, the answer to this question has remained shrouded in mystery. It's time to correct this blatant injustice and close another, albeit not too important, gap in your knowledge. As you might have guessed, tractors of different sizes are not at all for beauty.

Wheels are the most important technical moment. | Photo: 1zoom.me.
Wheels are the most important technical moment. | Photo: 1zoom.me.

Surely many are still interested in what specifically dictated the design features of the tractor, namely: why the rear wheels of this class of agricultural machines are (as a rule) large, and the front - small? In fact, the answer to this question is quite simple. However, first it should be remembered that the larger the wheel area, the easier it is for him to push the vehicle and the more difficult it is for him to maneuver. Actually, all the design features of the tractor wheels stem from these two points.

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Rear wheels increase flotation. | Photo: ex-press.by.

The rear wheels on most tractors are made large for two reasons. The first is rear-wheel drive and off-road driving.. The tractor must be able to overcome even the most difficult sections of the path and wade through snow and mud without much difficulty. Large and wide wheels help him in this as well as possible. The second reason is that tractors very often pull some attachments behind them: seeders, buckets, plows, etc.. Large wheels in this case can significantly increase the stability of the machine.

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The tractor is almost an all-terrain vehicle. ¦ Photo: ya.ru.

Now for the front wheels. It's even easier here. As noted earlier, the larger the diameter of the wheel, the more difficult it is to handle it when performing maneuvers. Since the turns on tractors are performed by manipulating the front wheels, they should be as small as possible. Otherwise, the tractor driver simply would not be able to turn the steering wheel by any degree.

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The front wheels provide steering. ¦ Photo: drivercars.ru.

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