Why installing a fence from a profiled sheet on self-tapping screws is a big mistake

  • Jul 02, 2022
Why installing a fence from a profiled sheet on self-tapping screws is a big mistake

The profiled sheet fence is very popular with summer residents. With its help, you can both isolate yourself from the street, and divide your own site into sections. Installation of such a fence is relatively easy and fast, and it costs quite a bit. Already only the above makes the professional sheet an excellent choice! However, it is not without pitfalls. One of these may be an attempt to mount on self-tapping screws.

These fences are very popular. |Photo: zabor-vokrug.ru.
These fences are very popular. |Photo: zabor-vokrug.ru.
These fences are very popular. |Photo: zabor-vokrug.ru.

Profiled sheet is an excellent material for creating a fence. In just 2-3 days, using it alone, you can fence a plot 100 meters long from scratch! Easy, fast and fairly cheap. However, already a few months after the installation of the fence, the first problems may begin. They will appear in the form of rust almost inevitably, especially if the installation was carried out on roofing screws or rivets.

Alas, many people forget about the threat of rust. |Photo: monolit-vn.ru.
Alas, many people forget about the threat of rust. |Photo: monolit-vn.ru.
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So, the problem directly grows from the fact that holes have to be drilled in the profiled sheet, thereby violating the integrity of the protective coating of the material (if it has one at all). Unprotected iron begins to rapidly rust under the influence of external factors. And the hole will absolutely not care what is inserted into it: a screw, a bolt, a nail, a rivet or something else.

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In fact, the problem is not in the screws or rivets. |Photo: uniform-met.ru.
In fact, the problem is not in the screws or rivets. |Photo: uniform-met.ru.

All this means exactly one thing - in case of violation of the protective coating of materials during installation, it is necessary to restore it by painting vulnerable areas. This simple solution will significantly extend the life of the fence and improve its aesthetic qualities. Moreover, over time, not only unprotected holes begin to rust, but also uncoated screws or rivets. Also, do not rely too heavily on the use of aluminum rivets. Since they, when in contact with iron, can cause electrochemical corrosion.

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It is necessary to protect the fence not after installation, but even at the installation stage. ¦Photo: newsaler.ru.
It is necessary to protect the fence not after installation, but even at the installation stage. ¦Photo: newsaler.ru.

Another source of problems when fastening a fence from a profiled sheet can be a metal vein, on which the fastening is carried out. Over time, it also begins to rust. Some owners are advised to abandon metal lived in favor of wooden boards. However, this solution has its drawbacks. It is much better to use the same anti-corrosion agents that are used to protect the fence to protect the tube. Ultimately, the problem with metal fences is always not in the material of the vein and not in the choice of hardware, but in the absence of an anti-corrosion coating, the creation of which during the installation process, many owners are trite forget.

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about
7 finishing materials, which are worth choosing if you decide to do the repair yourself.