How to rescue the orchid from rotting

  • Dec 24, 2019

Orchid - beautiful tropical epiphytes, widespread among many gardeners. However, these plants are extremely demanding of care, without which die quickly. The fact that the flower feels bad, indicate the absence of bud abscission, or have not yet blossomed buds, limp, withered leaves, trunk instability in the pot.

To rescue the orchid from rotting, it is necessary to take urgent measures.

Growing orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Why orchid roots rot

The causes of the decay of the roots of epiphytic many:

  • First of all, this state may indicate that the plant was too old and loses its ability to timely regeneration of tissues. In this case it is better to buy a new, young specimens of epiphytic, which quickly will appreciate its flowering.
  • Excessive watering. Phalaenopsis does not tolerate excess moisture, in such an environment aerial roots quickly begin to rot.
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  • Poor drainage. Water stagnates long after watering at the roots and causes tissue necrosis.
  • Lack of sunlight, wherein the Phalaenopsis feels great need also damaging to the roots.
  • Too dense soil, which prevents the penetration of air, or the substrate is not suitable for this kind of plant.
  • Excess minerals formed at too frequent dressing flower. Fertilizers can cause burns and death of the lower part of the stem.
  • By the death of roots can cause a fungal infection or pests living in the soil.
  • The withering away of the roots after mechanical injury with a planned transplanting plants.
The death of the plant can cause as one factor, and the entire complex.
Transplanting orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Transplanting orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

How to cure orchid

To improve phalaenopsis, it must first carefully examine. For this purpose it is necessary to remove from the pot and carefully clean the bottom part of the stem from ground debris.

Healthy roots are elastic surface that bears traces of decay and damage. All parts of the root affected by necrosis, must be removed. This should be done with a sharp knife or scissors, disinfected with alcohol. If the rot has appeared only on some portion of the root, it can be cut, taking 1-2 mm of healthy tissue around. If this maneuver fails, the need to cut the spine of the patient completely.

It is important to cut out the damaged parts to rot does not spread further. After this procedure is necessary to process the remaining healthy roots with a solution of potassium permanganate. It should not be too strong, otherwise you can burn the plant. Suffice it to dissolve in a glass of water a few crystals. For disinfecting solution can be used Furacilinum - 1 tablet for 1 cup.

After washing the sections it is necessary to sprinkle with powdered charcoal. And 1-2 can use activated carbon pellets, crushed into powder.

To plant did not get sick again, you can not use the old pot and the soil. It is advisable to buy a new transparent container for Phalaenopsis and a special substrate for orchids.

Flowering orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Flowering orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

At the bottom of the dish it is recommended to make the drainage of small stones and large pieces of bark of pine trees.

Plant with cut and processed roots need to plant in a pot and pour a little, but so that the water moistened the lower part, while not zastaivayas.

Phalaenopsis should be placed in such a place where there is enough light and heat, but no direct sunlight. They are better pritenit orchid.

A sign that the plant feels good crop rotted roots and went to his advantage, will the emergence of new, young leaves of elastic and numerous buds, which will lead to abundant and lasting flowering.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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