When the May thunderstorms died down. How to care for a rose in the summer?

  • Apr 25, 2021
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The beds are mulched, the ground is drained, the apple trees are whitewashed, and the roses are planted - spring is over, you can finally relax! It was not so - it is not enough just to pick up a good plot for the plants and generously fertilize the soil: ornamental crops require attention all year round, and should be taken care of in summer. Let's find out how to care for a rose in the summer - by adhering to the recommendations of our article, you will definitely not forget anything!

Roses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Roses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

I recommend reading: We grow roses in containers: the choice of capacity, variety and care rules


Rose does not like excessive moisture, so you should not overdo it with watering. Only warm, settled water should be used for irrigation - a cold "shower" can awaken pathogens of fungal diseases. During watering, it is necessary to moisten the soil at the roots of the rose with water, but not the bush itself. The subsequent mulching of the flower bed with a layer of fallen needles or sawdust will not be superfluous. It is worth after watering and loosen the soil - this procedure will help to stop the evaporation of moisture from the soil surface.

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Top dressing

The rose should be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the spring, while the summer "menu" should consist of such elements as potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and boron.

Three times over the summer, the plant should be fed with a solution prepared from 10 grams of superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate, diluted in 10 liters of water. In July, the recipe should be slightly changed by adding 500 grams of chicken manure, 2 cups of wood ash and 10 grams of nitrophoska to superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

After the "queen of the garden" has bloomed, she may need the help of potassium monophosphate and superphosphate. To prepare fertilizer for feeding, the mentioned substances in amounts of 16 and 15 grams must be diluted in 10 liters of water. The consumption of the funds received should be 2 liters per adult plant. For young seedlings, it is recommended to reduce the rate to 1 liter per plant.

Top dressing of roses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

During flowering with top dressing, you should be careful. Certainly, the rose will not be harmed by preparations specially developed for it, for example, industrial fertilizer "Buton Plus". Before use, the composition must be diluted with water - 2 liters per bag of powder.


Contrary to popular myth, pruning is possible not only in spring and autumn: summer pruning will only benefit roses. First of all, dry, curved, overly thin or long branches should be removed during such a procedure. After the bush takes on a neat look, it will be possible to start forming the crown.

It is important to take time to prune after the roses have faded. During the procedure, all seed pods should be torn off so that the bush does not waste energy on forming seeds. It will be especially useful to get rid of them for plants from which you expect re-flowering.


The rose is usually mulched immediately after planting, and this procedure is repeated in the fall. The mulch layer can also be renewed during the flowering of the plant. In this case, you can use a wide variety of materials - fallen needles or foliage, straw, sawdust, peat, pine cones, unnecessary waste paper. We recommend giving preference to tree bark - carefully and consistently spreading it over the surface of the flower bed, you will not only take care of retaining moisture in the soil, but also decorate the flower garden.

Mulching. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Treatment against diseases and pests

The main enemies of the rose are the sawfly beetle, aphids, rose leafhoppers, and penny bibs. In the fight against voracious creatures, industrial chemical insecticides "Iskra" and "Astra" will help you. You can also use biological insecticides "Aktofit" and "Fitoverm", the main thing is not to combine them with the already mentioned means.

For the purpose of prevention, the shrub can be watered with infusion of onion or garlic husks, a decoction of tansy or marigolds. In the preparation of home remedies, you can use any plants with a pungent odor that can repel insects. If you do not want to sacrifice other plants for the sake of a rose, these crops can simply be planted around the perimeter of the flower bed - such plantings will work like a human shield.

And the flower bed should be regularly (once a week) sprinkled with a layer of wood ash or tobacco dust. It is worth giving a chance and infusion of garlic, mixed with a small amount of laundry soap.

The "flower queen" may also suffer from diseases. Most often, the rose is affected by fungal and viral infections - black and gray spot, rust, powdery mildew, mosaic and chlorosis. The shrub reacts sharply to infection - usually the gardener learns about the problem by examining the leaves of the plant, covered with colored spots and specks.

If a rose is affected by one of the diseases mentioned, the damaged shoots should be removed and burned, and the plant should be sprayed with fungicides. It is recommended to use such drugs as "Chistotsvet", "Topaz", "Skor", "Ridomil Gold" and "Profit". You can also seek help from a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

Do you know how to care for a rose in the summer?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read also: Fungal infection of the rose and methods of prevention