He laid the modern ruberoid on the foundation. The solution does not cling to it, the walls slide over it. Why is it needed? If he is # 13

  • Apr 27, 2021

I do not need a basement for the construction of the House-Bath. This became clear after the previous article. The foundation was waterproofed with a coating paste. Before laying the first blocks on the base, I decided to roll out a modern roofing material over the surface of a strip, shallow foundation: bikrost. That's how everyone does ...

He laid the modern ruberoid on the foundation. The solution does not cling to it, the walls slide over it. Why is it needed? If he is # 13

I bought two rolls 15 meters long on a glass fabric base

He laid the modern ruberoid on the foundation. The solution does not cling to it, the walls slide over it. Why is it needed? If he is # 13

Cut them into two halves a chainsaw from a traffic light, together 30 meters, formed stripes of 60 meters. I need 40 meters.

It was not a problem to roll it out. The thickness of the bikrost is sufficient. The material is dense. Unlike roofing material, where the base is paper, fiberglass is used here. Strong and durable. With her help, waterproofing and protection from damage by the mass of the house 100% satisfies me. I liked working with him.

Looking ahead, I'll tell you. After laying the first row, I decided to start a second batch of aerated concrete and spread it inside the house. For this he hired a manipulator.

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So when unloading, he accidentally hit the wall with a suspended pallet and she went along the "ruberoid", as if on a sled. Fortunately, the offset was only 10 cm.

While I stood disappointed, in prostration. The driver of the manipulator saw this, jumped up to me and said: "Come on, we are pushing into place." To my surprise, after a little effort applied to the first row of aerated concrete, everything fell into place.

So what is this gasket for? After all, she divides the house into two halves. The structural integrity of the house is violated ...

In general, in theory and in practice, it is necessary to protect the superior building material above the foundation, no matter which one (brick, aerated concrete, log) from capillary suction of moisture from the soil.

Excessive moisture for wooden structures is especially dangerous, mold and putrefactive processes in a humid environment pass relatively quickly. For gas silicate and ceramic bricks, high humidity is also destructive. With certain amounts of freezing, defrosting, the water-saturated material will be destroyed. Because the water in them will expand and break the structure. Which will lead to irreversible deformation of the building material.

"And why then is the solution used when installing blocks and bricks to the" ruberoid "since it does not stick to it, put it directly on the waterproofing, and that's it."Perhaps such a thought will creep in among the readers.

The fact is that when pouring the foundation, the upper border will almost always not be on the same level. I have this difference, in the end it was 4 cm. It is these centimeters that we have to neutralize the solution.

Subsequently, all the building material of the house will press on the roofing material in such a way that it will be very difficult to move it. Therefore, the houses stand firmly on it. Unless, of course, the foundation from frost heaving or other forces starts to play... How it happened with me.

What do you think about this, do you need waterproofing in private housing construction? FROM. Uv. Timofey Mikhailov.

This is the thirteenth article in this series. In this series, information awaits you: what material for construction I stopped on, how the shallow foundation was poured, why the wall cracked and how the roof rose and many others solutions. Not entirely correct. Learn from my mistakes. Don't let your own. Subscribe . Articles are published every day at 8 am Moscow time. You can also click on the tag below "Timofey's bathhouse".