Why poplars were planted everywhere in the Soviet Union

  • Apr 28, 2021
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Why poplars were planted everywhere in the Soviet Union

On the territory of Russia, a huge country with different climatic conditions, there are many types of trees and other vegetation. In each region, you can find plants characteristic only for it. But everything is different in the case of poplars. They grow in almost every city. And it is they who are a real disaster for those who are susceptible to allergies, because fluff flies from these trees every year in the first summer days. So why were poplars so popular in the USSR, let's figure it out.

1. Undemanding tree

In the Soviet Union, after the Second World War, poplars began to be actively planted / Photo: nv.ua
In the Soviet Union, after the Second World War, poplars began to be actively planted / Photo: nv.ua

In the USSR, poplars began to be actively planted in the fifties of the last century. These were the years after the Great Patriotic War, when the country was rebuilding from ruins. It was necessary to rebuild and put in order a huge number of cities and villages. In parallel, a program for their landscaping was carried out. As part of its implementation, I. Stalin gave orders for the widespread planting of poplars. They were chosen for two reasons. First, they grow very quickly. Secondly, they are picky and undemanding. But these are not the only factors that influenced the choice of the head of state.

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2. Ecology

Due to the shape of the poplar, it can be planted close to each other / Photo: Volgograd-excursions.rf

It is poplars that are unique filters created by nature. They trap harmful substances. They are not afraid of the gas pollution observed in large metropolitan areas and industrial centers. They simply absorb all the harmful compounds. It was for this purpose that these trees were planted along highways. Given that they have a pyramidal shape, they can be planted very close to each other. In this regard, poplars are found in huge quantities.

Pyramidal poplars were planted along the roads due to their ability to absorb harmful substances / Photo: podneprovie-info.com

This tree is a real record holder in terms of oxygen production and its release into the environment. In just one day, poplar can provide oxygen to four adults.

3. What is the difference between male and female poplars

Only female poplars are blooming / Photo: voprosnik.ru

These trees have one significant gender difference. Male plants do not produce fluff. Only female poplars are blooming. Initially, it was planned to plant "male trees". But it would take too long to select these seedlings. Therefore, they did not bother too much about it.

4. Poplar fluff

Allergy sufferers suffer from poplar fluff / Photo: virgo.org.ua

Poplar fluff, which is massively spreading in the surroundings, appears exclusively during the flowering of trees. First of all, allergy sufferers suffer from it.

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Down is highly flammable, which can lead to a fire / Photo: sarov24.ru

But other unpleasant situations are not excluded. Poplar fluff burns well and if it catches fire, the consequences can be dire - a strong fire can occur.

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Old poplars are actively cut down, replacing them with new varieties of trees / Photo: mrrestavrator.ru

In recent years, old poplars have been actively cut down. Poplars of other varieties, as well as maples and lindens, are planted in their place.

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