Common mistakes due to which spathiphyllum does not want to bloom

  • May 03, 2021
Common mistakes due to which spathiphyllum does not want to bloom

Spathiphyllum, or, as it is also called "female happiness", can often be seen in houses, apartments, offices. A healthy plant really pleases with rich greenery and beautiful flowers. But to get such an effect, it needs proper care. There are a number of mistakes that prevent the plant from developing normally and blooming regularly.

Proper care of the plant "female happiness" will allow you to enjoy the delicate white flowers for a long time / Photo:
Proper care of the plant "female happiness" will allow you to enjoy the delicate white flowers for a long time / Photo:

1. Wrongly chosen soil

Spathiphyllum should be planted in a special soil for aroids / Photo:

This is one of the most common and fatal mistakes for spathiphyllum. Often the plant is planted in the ground, which a person collects in his garden or in a flower bed near the house. And this is absolutely wrong. For this indoor flower, the soil must be loose, nutritious and slightly acidic. To combine all these qualities, ideally buy such a primer in a specialized department or store. Look at the packaging. It will have the inscription "for the Aroids." If this is not the case, you can purchase a universal primer.

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2. Incorrect feeding or lack of it

For feeding, it is better to use complex fertilizers / Photo:

In this matter, the age of the plant is very important. If it is young, then it needs nitrogen to build up a sufficient green mass. At the same time, the root system also develops. An adult plant, ready to start flowering, desperately needs calcium and phosphorus in large quantities. It is best to use a complex type fertilizer for feeding, which contains the entire list of nutrients. They are sold in all green plant stores.

3. Incorrect location

Light for spathiphyllum should be diffused / Photo:

This flower is a tropical inhabitant, but it does not need the conditions of the African climate at all. Moreover, the direct rays of the sun are destructive for the plant. The plant should be placed in a place where it can receive enough light, but will not be burnt out by the sun. The light should be diffused.

4. Incorrectly selected flowerpot

The pot in width should not be more than a lump of earth by 2-3 centimeters / Photo: Twitter

You also need to guess with the pot. It should not be too large, otherwise the plant will not bloom soon. Flowering will begin only when the entire flowerpot is filled with the root system. The flower should be planted in a pot that is two to three centimeters wider than a lump of earth.

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5. Improper watering

The plant needs to be watered regularly, and the leaves should be moistened / Photo:

It is important to constantly water the plant and moisturize the leaves to keep it beautiful and healthy. Water for irrigation must first be defended. It should be at room temperature. The water should be poured along the edge of the pot, not at the root. If the pot is made of clay, then the flower must be watered much more often than the one that grows in a plastic pot.

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Compliance with simple recommendations will help to avoid mistakes in caring for spathiphyllum / Photo:

By eliminating all of the above points, you will achieve the desired result.

Continuing the topic, read what
available product neutralizes white bloom and promotes active growth of indoor plants.
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