How to properly care for remontant raspberries

  • May 10, 2021
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Many gardeners prefer remontant raspberries to the usual varieties, which bear fruit more than once per season. Planting such bushes allows you to collect twice as much crop. They are also more resistant to frost and pests. The berries themselves are larger, but they have only one drawback - they are less aromatic than those of conventional varieties. The advantages of remontant raspberries are much more, but you need to know and follow some rules for caring for them in order to get a good harvest.

Raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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The frequency of watering remontant varieties of raspberries depends on the weather conditions and the number of berries on the bushes. Since the roots are quite close to the surface of the earth, the plant is difficult to tolerate drought.

Important. The soil around the bushes should be 30-40 centimeters wet.

If the weather is hot and dry, the raspberry garden should be watered frequently and abundantly. If it rains for a long time, watering should be stopped. This is very important, since the size of the berries directly depends on the moisture.

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Top dressing

Any plant needs nutrients for normal growth and fruiting. And remontant varieties of raspberries are no exception. Bushes react very badly to nitrogen deficiency, therefore, it is necessary to fertilize the beds in the spring.

The consumption of organic fertilizers per 1 square meter is 3-5 liters. The following aqueous solutions are recommended:

  • chicken droppings (1:20);
  • cow dung (1:10).

You can also use dry dressings. In early spring, under each plant, you can add 2 kilograms of humus, and at the beginning of flowering - a teaspoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Top dressing of raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


To retain moisture, protect bushes from weeds, insulate roots in winter and protect against overheating in summer, you need to mulch the soil. For this, sawdust, straw, wood chips, compost, peat, humus, etc. are used.

Important. Mulch raspberries immediately after planting.

The material is laid out around the bush (circle diameter - 65-75 centimeters). Then it thickens. After that, its layer should be more than 5 centimeters. The mulch needs to be renewed annually.


Oxygen must be provided to the roots of plants in order for them to develop well, so the soil must be loosened. In order not to damage the root system, you should not go deeper into the ground more than 10 centimeters. In row spacings, a loosening depth of up to 15 centimeters is allowed. The number of loosening per season must be at least 6.


Repaired varieties bear fruit twice a season. But not all gardeners harvest both crops. If the berries are picked once, pruning should be done in the fall or spring. In this case, it is necessary to remove all branches without leaving hemp and split cuts. If the collection of raspberries is carried out twice a season, then in late autumn before wintering or in early spring, before bud break, you need to cut off the old shoots, and just shorten the young ones.

Important. If the bushes were planted this year, then in the fall the shoots are not completely cut off - you need to leave 20 centimeters each.
Pruning raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


This procedure involves pruning the branches that caused the thickening of the bush. Excess shoots have a negative impact on the development of culture. In order for the plants to be strong and less susceptible to diseases, 8-9 fruiting shoots should be left on each bush. You should also monitor the health of the garden throughout the season, because the branches affected by the disease need to be pruned as quickly as possible.


Raspberry branches can break off under the weight of the crop, so it is recommended to tie them up. Stakes, trellises or special lattices can be used as support. When picking berries twice a season, it is necessary to tie up old and young shoots separately.

Protection against diseases and pests

Repaired varieties are more resistant to various pathogens than ordinary ones. But they still need preventive treatment for diseases and insect pests. To do this, twice a year - in spring and autumn - it is necessary to spray the raspberry garden with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Gradually, the remontant raspberry displaces the usual one from the garden. And this is not surprising, because it has many advantages. Therefore, gardeners are planting these varieties more and more often.

Do you know how to properly care for remontant raspberries?

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