Top 5 mistakes when growing garden blueberries

  • May 11, 2021

When planting bushes of garden blueberries on the site, many gardeners do not even suspect that special requirements for the composition of the soil, the level of lighting, and location must be observed. There are 5 most common mistakes when growing this crop, because of which you can be left without a crop.

Blueberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Blueberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Unsuitable soil

Improperly selected soil will prevent the bushes from bearing fruit normally. Blueberries require medium acid soil. Before planting, it is imperative to check the acidity level with colloidal sulfur in order to acidify or deoxidize it if necessary. With high acidity, the foliage brightens due to poor absorption of nitrogen and other substances from the earth. After that, most often the shrub stops bearing fruit.

Earthen mix options:

  • straw, river sand, garden soil and peat (2: 1: 1: 1);
  • instagram viewer
  • river sand and peat (1: 3);
  • garden soil, coniferous crust and pine bark (10: 9: 1), you can add colloidal sulfur (100 grams per bucket).

It is recommended to prepare the site for planting 6-8 weeks in advance. The distance between the rows should be about 1.5 meters. Single landings are made in pits measuring 80 by 80 centimeters. If the soil is clayey and dense, it is recommended to drain from pebbles, gravel, crushed stone or sand with sawdust.

Blueberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Incorrect location of the beds

Planting shrubs in a shaded area will have a negative effect on the yield. Even if the plant blooms, the berries will become sour or tasteless, or may be completely absent. Sweet garden blueberries grow in well-lit and sheltered areas.

Summer residents mistakenly assume that garden berries need a lot of moisture, because their wild "cousins" grow on swampy soils. Therefore, they make beds in the lowlands and do not care about drainage. And this is wrong - there should be no stagnation of water on the site, and free air access should be provided to the roots.

Improper use of fertilizers

Do not feed with organic compounds. Manure, bird droppings and other organic matter are saturated with nitrogen and can harm shrubs. They should be replaced with complex mineral fertilizers, which can be purchased at any gardening store.

Failure to comply with the timing of fertilizing

Regular feeding is an important part of caring for blueberry bushes. If fertilizers are not applied on time, the plant slows down in growth, the leaves brighten. Supplements must contain the following elements:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • zinc sulfate;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • superphosphate.

Phosphorus fertilizing is applied in the summer and autumn periods. 1 bush requires 100 grams of substance. Magnesium sulfates (10-15 grams per bush), zinc and potassium (2 grams each) are applied once a season. Ammonium sulfate is added according to the following scheme:

  • in the middle of spring, when sap flow began, but the buds have not yet blossomed (40% of the annual rate);
  • in the first half of May (35%);
  • early summer (25%);
  • no more nitrogen compounds need to be added until the spring of next year.
Blueberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Irregular watering

Lack and excess of moisture also causes a decrease in yield. When growing garden blueberries, you need to ensure that the ground does not dry out or, conversely, that the water does not stagnate. In both cases, there is a negative impact on planting. In the worst case, the plant may even die.

Advice. It is preferable to water the beds 2 times a week.

Under each shrub, you need to pour half a bucket of water in the morning and half a bucket of water in the evening. You should not carry out the procedure during the daytime, as the sun's rays can harm the leaves.

The moisture level must be especially monitored during the fruiting period. If watering is done correctly, then a bountiful harvest is ensured. On hot days, the plant can be sprayed with a spray bottle in the morning and evening so that it does not overheat.

If you follow the simple rules for caring for garden blueberries and do not make the above mistakes, this beautiful shrub will certainly delight you with a rich harvest of useful berries.

Have you already planted blueberries on your site?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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