How easily and quickly can be to sharpen the knives grinder

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 How to sharpen grinder without special equipment.
How to sharpen grinder without special equipment.

This method of knife sharpening grinder is available for everybody owners. For its implementation does not require any special tools or special tools. By sharpening the blade can be started almost immediately. This method is suitable for mechanical grinders and electronic.

What do we need?

Everything you need is in every house.
Everything you need is in every house.

First of all, you need to understand exactly what is needed for sharpening. In fact, nothing superspetsialnogo. First, a little water from the tap. Secondly, the point bar for conventional knives or homemade grindstone of a piece of wood and a sheet of sandpaper. That's so simple!

Sharpen the knives themselves and without SMS

Nothing complicated about it.
Nothing complicated about it.

Step one - disassemble the grinder and twisted out of her knives with locking ring. Spread all the details carefully so as not to lose anything.

Disassemble the unit.
Disassemble the unit.

If you look at the knives that are used for a long time, they will be easy to see the rock faces, chipped, risks, and other signs of aging. Round knife-net also suffers. His problems begin at the edges of holes. In continuous operation at the knives and wavy defects may appear.

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Moistened whetstone.
Moistened whetstone.

step two - take the grindstone (it must be flat) and the sponge (available in every kitchen), which collects the water. Now moisten the stone. After that, we take one of the knives, put it on a whetstone and start reciprocating movement. Pressure should be small. The duration of action depends on the degree of wear. In the worst case, it will have to grind for 2-3 minutes. Similarly, the act and circular knife.

We begin to sharpen.
We begin to sharpen.

step three - wash all knives after sharpening under running water. This is done in order to flush the remaining small pieces of metal.

Result satisfactory.
Result satisfactory.

And further

You can make the stone itself.
You can make the stone itself.

If the house is not the grindstone, it can be made from a piece of wood and sandpaper. Most often it is not even necessary to fix, since it is itself splendidly. But confidence can be put to use, such as a stapler.

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