Why is it better to pay for a place in the "tail" of the aircraft, and why the flight attendants always take flight in sneakers

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Our grandparents could not even imagine that air travel will be available to everyone, and get to the other end of the world will be for some 12-14 hours. When some flights are cheaper than dinner at a nice restaurant, then the world is somehow smaller and cozier. But the rise in the sky - it will not go down in the subway. Here are some nuances. Why is better to buy tickets closer to the "tail" and always fly to sneakers, to understand this review.

How could we not frightened disaster movies about the crash, hostages and other aliens, is statistically the most dangerous mode of transport is not a plane. A normal car. And yet, the prospect of unexpected events in the sky much more frightening. That even in the case of extreme emergency to increase their chances of survival, never disdain here these tips from bortekipazha. They can be really salutary.

1. Try to choose a place for aircraft wings

Business class passengers in emergency situations are lucky less.
Business class passengers in emergency situations are lucky less.
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Experts of the popular science publications Popular Mechanics We analyzed 20 major crashes of passenger airliners. Then they brought out an interesting pattern: those who sit in the back of the plane (for wings), the chances of survival was 69%. But in front of the passengers, including business class - only 49%. Another reason not to spend too much on a "smart" cards.

2. Buy Shoes correctly

Make the right choice.
Make the right choice.

Which translates to professional means: no heels or flip flops. The former can cause further injury during the general panic (not to mention the fact that the studs + = Pressure differences dangerous combination for veins and arteries), a second substantially reduce your speed and mobility. The ideal and safest choice for flight - running shoes or sneakers. And the vessels in the legs exactly say "thank you".

3. no synthetics

Choose only natural fabrics.
Choose only natural fabrics.

Even the choice of clothes before the flight can be fatal. According to statistics, 68% of injuries, after airplane accidents happen because of the fire. It is for this reason, never put on the road synthetics (nylon, acrylic, polyester) - it is highly flammable. Instead, give preference to natural fabrics: flax, wool and silk.

4. Wear an oxygen mask immediately

Do not loiter.
Do not loiter.

Do not wait and do not hesitate: a sharp decline in the level of oxygen during an emergency landing could lead to fainting after some 20 seconds. So we must act quickly.

5. In the event of a sharp decline hugging her knees and push them head

Protect your head.
Protect your head.

And, of course, do not forget to fasten your seat belt. This position protects the head and internal organs. It is thanks to her rescued dozens of people during a crash Boeing in 2015th.

6. Forget about baggage

Luggage - not the most valuable.
Luggage - not the most valuable.

In an emergency, the last thing that should bother you - it's luggage. Forget about a backpack or suitcase on top: save with a single value - your life.

Let each flight will be safe and always ends well. And just in case find out more, What is the meaning of the "triangle" in the aircraft cabin and why it is better to choose a place closer to them.

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