What does Signor Tomato eat? Top dressing for tomatoes

  • Jun 04, 2021
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If corn is the queen of the fields, then the tomato is undoubtedly the king of greenhouses and greenhouses. But in order for a tomato to become a king, it is necessary to carefully look after it during cultivation, water it on time and feed it properly. The amount of the crop obtained, the size and taste of the fruits depend on how you fertilize the tomatoes. So let's take a closer look at this issue.

Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Types of dressings

As for other vegetable crops, all tomato dressings are divided into foliar (this is when the plant is sprayed with a solution of nutrients from a bottle with a spray bottle) and root.

Here are the most effective recipes for root dressing of tomatoes:

Boric acid: Fruits become sweeter, calcium is better absorbed, metabolism is normalized, the amount of chlorophyll increases, the formation of buds and ovaries reaches a high level;

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Urea: Provides protection against diseases and pests, increases productivity;

Nettle infusion: Improves the taste of vegetables, accelerates growth, eliminates the possibility of getting sick with late blight;

Iodine: Suppresses the development of viruses, bacteria and fungi, disinfects the soil and strengthens the immunity of vegetables;

Growth stimulator "Epin": Activates growth processes, helps to form new shoots, roots, fruits.

When to fertilize.

There are several stages of making tomato dressings:

  1. It is carried out 12-14 days after planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse. Helps tomatoes to strengthen the stem and actively build up green mass. In this way, the plant will fully prepare itself to hold large, heavy fruits.
  2. At the first flowering stage. To provide the plant with all the necessary substances.
  3. It is carried out during the period of rapid flowering. Micro and macro elements from the applied fertilizers will ensure healthy flowering and help to form the tomato ovary correctly.
  4. During fruiting. To accelerate the ripening of tomatoes and to improve their taste, it is recommended to carry out regular fertilizing with fertilizers with a high potassium content.
Top dressing of tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Top dressing of tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

What the plant lacks

What tomatoes lack is easy to determine by their appearance:

  • Nitrogen. If you delay for a long time with planting seedlings in a greenhouse, nitrogen starvation may occur. In this case, the lower leaves of the plant fall off. With an excess of nitrogen, all nutrients go into the green mass. The leaves grow large and curl up into a tube. Fruits grow poorly.
  • Phosphorus. With its lack, the leaves of the plant darken, the veins have a purple tint. The leaves turn outward. The fruit shows a bronze color.
  • Potassium. Due to the small amount of potassium, yellow-orange grooves are formed at the edges of the leaves. Large leaves dry up and fall off. The fruits ripen unevenly.
  • Calcium. Light yellow spots appear on young leaves, and their edges are burned. Older leaves become dark green in color. Top rot forms on the fruits, and the top of the plant turns black and dries up.
  • Zinc. Brown-gray specks of different diameters form on the leaves of tomatoes, the veins fall into spots, the edges of the leaves curl upward and begin to dry out. New leaves grow very small and may be covered with yellow dots.
We wish you a large, healthy and tasty harvest!

Do you use soda for feeding tomatoes?

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