12 volt uninterruptible power supply

  • Jul 30, 2021

Many of those who for the first time independently install CCTV cameras, alarm systems and automation do not know that there is an inexpensive and reliable solution for powering all this equipment - uninterruptible power supplies (BBP).

A lead-acid battery (usually 12V 7Ah) is installed inside the power supply case.

When operating from the mains, the power supply unit outputs 13.4 volts at the output - this is not dangerous for devices with a 12-volt power supply, and it is often also useful - the loss on long wires is compensated. When the mains voltage disappears, the power supply unit outputs 12 volts from the battery.

BBPs are produced by many manufacturers, they come with a maximum current of 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 amperes.

In most cases, it is best to use a 3-amp BBP. One of the cheapest three-ampere BBPs in a metal case Davikon IVEPR-1230 on Ozone is sold for 950 rubles: https://www.ozon.ru/product/274729132/. Batteries are always sold separately. The cheapest on the same Ozone - ALPHA BATTERY FB 7.2-12 for 750 rubles: https://www.ozon.ru/product/245652111/.

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This UPS uses a switching power supply. There are fuses at the input and output, indication of the presence of voltage in the network and voltage at the output.

It is from such a BBP that the video surveillance system in my dacha is powered. Everything has been working for the third year, both in hot and cold weather, and the BBP is on the street in a metal cabinet IP54.

A cheap lead-acid battery lasts 3-5 years. There are expensive batteries with a long service life, but it is more profitable to replace the cheaper ones as they wear out.

The cheapest two-amp BBPs in a plastic case cost about 700 rubles, but I think it's better pay an extra 100 rubles for a metal case and have a 100% guarantee that the BBP cannot become the cause of the fire.

In many cases, it is better to install two low-power PSUs than one powerful one: this way you can extend the operating time without electricity for the most important devices.

By the way, almost all BBPs are manufactured in Russia.

© 2021, Alexey Nadezhin

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