How can the wire be hermetically insulated so that water does not penetrate into it?

  • Jul 30, 2021
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Very often it becomes necessary on the farm to connect two wires or even two bundles. Usually, home craftsmen do not have any problems in this matter. In this case, you can limit yourself to insulation issues with ordinary blue adhesive tape. However, this method is extremely poorly suited for those cases when you have to connect wires that will inevitably have to come into contact with water. What needs to be done in order for the connection to be airtight?

The operation starts as usual. ¦ Photo:
The operation starts as usual. ¦ Photo:
The operation starts as usual. ¦ Photo:

Bare or poorly insulated wires that come into contact with water are a gross violation of safety precautions that can lead to the most sad consequences, ranging from equipment burned out as a result of a short circuit, ending with injury and death person. In order to prevent this from happening, it is important to know how the wires are correctly connected and insulated in the place of potential contact with water.

We connect the wires securely. ¦ Photo:
We connect the wires securely. ¦ Photo:
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Blue electrical tape alone will not be enough to resolve an issue of this kind. You will also need heat shrink tubing and epoxy to work. In some cases, the resin can be replaced with a liquid adhesive. From tools you will need a construction hair dryer or a source of open fire, a knife, pliers. Once all of the above is prepared, it will be possible to get to work. In itself, the operation of highly reliable isolation is not tricky, although it consists of several stages.

We process with resin or glue. ¦ Photo:
We process with resin or glue. ¦ Photo:

First, it is necessary to qualitatively strip and strip the wires, just like it is done when carrying out any other twisting. Secondly, the twisting itself is performed. You can use here any way you like. When all this is done, you can go directly to isolation. To begin with, the bare part of the twist must be thoroughly treated with epoxy resin or hot glue so that the metal is completely covered. When the insulating compound hardens, the wires are wrapped in a layer of electrical tape.

We carry out primary insulation. ¦ Photo:
We carry out primary insulation. ¦ Photo:

The work doesn't end there. The final touch will be to pull the heat-shrink tubing onto the insulated place. It is fixed by processing the descendant of hot air. In conclusion, you can wrap the wire with electrical tape again for greater reliability. After such insulation, the connection point will definitely not let water through, even being completely immersed in it.

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We sit down the tube. ¦ Photo:
We sit down the tube. ¦ Photo:

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