At the dacha I want to "dig" an artesian well, an experienced driller nodded ambiguously at my idea, and my neighbor was perplexed

  • Jul 30, 2021
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I recently became the proud owner of a summer cottage. The construction of the bath house is in full swing. The issue of individual water supply of their possessions with clean water has ripened. For eating and washing bodies.

At the moment we have enough water for irrigation, there is an open source nearby. But in order to cook food and quench your thirst, you have to carry it from the spring or buy it. Naturally, this alignment is not very happy.

Therefore, I decided to find out from my neighbor who had drilled a well earlier, what kind of water they have and at what depth and how much this pleasure costs. In the end, here's what it turned out:

  • The well was drilled 20 meters to the first aquifer.
  • Water has a high content of "iron", which leads to additional costs for its additional treatment.
  • One meter of the well cost them 1,500 rubles.
  • Casing pipe with a diameter of 125 mm

After questioning, did you find out how he got voditsa? The neighbor replied that the iron spoils all the pleasure of having a source. After patting my tongues a little, I told him: "

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I will drill an artesian well, I will reach a clean layer, I will not suffer from iron removal " The puzzled look of my comrade looked at me from head to toe. In response, he just said "OU-OU"

And so I managed to catch a well driller, he drove through the streets of our SNT, stopped him, told him about his plans for an artesian well. All this time he listened to me attentively and nodded his head ambiguously. Having agreed, he decided to conduct an educational program with me on artesian wells, this is what I took out from there:

  • The depth of the reservoir with artesian water in my SNT starts at a depth of 70-130 meters, this venture costs decent money, 100 meters of a well will cost at least 150,000 rubles.
  • Such a well must be registered, the annual tax is about 5000 rubles
  • Pumping equipment and its maintenance costs twice as much as standard
  • It is not a fact that the water at this depth will turn out to be drinking, perhaps the entire periodic table will be in it, iron will seem like a child's prank.

And that's not all, it turned out to be a good drill. He told me how it was, did not spin me for money, but told the truth. And the last nail in the coffin lid of my desire to drill a deep well was the information: At a local large enterprise, according to the conversations of the older generation, spent reagents were pumped into the strata of artesin wells and disposed of. Thus, the layers are contaminated. Therefore, the water is absolutely not suitable for drinking from these levels of occurrence...

I deceived myself, I thought it was artesian-clean. But in fact it is not so! We will be content with small, superficial sources.